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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Got any pics of what your starting with???
  2. Lol yup. See there are still alot of us that like getting puppys for christmas!!
  3. Alright i finally was able to take out my spare parts outta the bed and take inventory on what i had. So heres what we got: A complete rear end housing with one axle missing. Not sure what id use it for Two dry rotted 10.00x22 caps on sears caseings (might make planters outta these for the boss) A very rusty yoke and air cleaner iol pan Two fender panels drivers side perfect pass. side saveable 2 running boards (b42?) B67 aluminum hoods B42 steel hoods little rust but still a good set with all the emblems 2 B42 doors drivers side good pass side a lil rough And a power steering box. Is this the correct one for a b model?
  4. ok thats waht i thought but wasnt sure if i was right thanks
  5. Honestly i dont know if they would have opened of not but the temp gauge didnt work so i didnt want to take the chance on cooking my new puppy. And i do have a question for those of you who have worked a B with a quadbox. I plan on working this truck as a occasional run local truck hauling between 1 to 10 tons. Me being new to two sticks whats the best shifting pattern as far as splitting gears and so fourth. I can prob figure it out but id rather have a idea before i start up hill with 10 ton, pick the wrong gear combo, and be down to first and first
  6. Id keep the 12 and check what full fuel suggested at the most you would have to replace the air cylinder. The muffler is going to be a waste of money just take a slate bar and knock the baffles out and youll get the same result. And agreed the 300 is going to be slower than the 500hp trucks but then again they are useing more fuel to make to hp than you are. Plus when they pass you and try to show off doing so, you can do the same thing when their at the fuel island lol. I would turn the 300 up a little and if your going to be pulling them kinda hills, if your truck doesnt have one, GET A PYRO!!! Your pistons and wallet will thank you
  7. Did you just get it or just know where its at?? Deff a cool lookin rig dont know if id keep the drill rig on it of not
  8. Here is our service truck ill try to get some better ones i just snapped this at lunch '02 fl70 3126 cat 6spd. Started life as a ryder truck, we took the box off shortened the frame, found the service body and crane (both were used crane a cl find blasted and repainted and stickered. Body was a junkyard find off of a old a union carbide rescue truck, the way it is is how we found it)
  9. I know ive seen 45 year olds that werent that good
  10. Here are a few pics in the daylight. Maddog ill get the vin off the frame and trans.
  11. Im with ya out of working on anything i hate working on electrical
  12. Yup thats a 4v has the alu valve covers
  13. Yes it should be a e6, looks like it too
  14. Wow a 3'fer in one pic!!! Nice
  15. Thats what my buddy clocked me at so ya and it revs out @ 2400 which is a bit fast for my liking ill prob never go over 2k but ya its a airplane id say itll go fast enough to spook ya. Especially with dry rotted steers and dry rotted caps for drives
  16. Ok thats deff a new one to steal doors!! Well there are people taking the headlights outta mercedes and caddys to sell
  17. Agree $5 for the pair and they will move pretty easy and someone will take them home. heck i would be interested in'em for $5
  18. Thats sweet!!!!!
  19. Well the title says its a 57 and the title vin and the door tag match but yes the truck is older because the frame # is lower than the door tag. But either way not a big issue to me, just more of a curiosity on heritage, im just happy to have gotten a good shape B that runs great for only $2200, which i happily agreed to got a title and ran lol
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