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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Hey count me in!! Me and the misses will be there
  2. We wouldn't mind seeing some more pics even if it is sold
  3. I'd like to have her but I can't afford the 3500 for new wheels and tires right now
  4. It was just soft ground not a septic tank thank god. It was a case of the the "it's solid you shouldn't have any problem"
  5. Thought I'd post these too this was a couple weeks ago. Just glad backing into the grass was not my idea. I figured the Tahoe wouldn't pull me out but I thought we'd try. And I was on to much of a lean to dump off the load. Was stuck pretty good wrecker broke my 5/8 chain.
  6. Well here is my contribution to tore up Tuesday today driving along coming back from my first delivery for the day, truck started to vibrate bad, I pushed in the clutch and started pulling over when KABOOM! as everything gets smooth then another big bang and hard jolt a grinding noise another big bang, jolt, and big bump. As I get to the shoulder knowing what just happened looked in the mirror to see my drive shaft that I just ran over about 50 yards behind me. So I go get it and realize my slip yoke is missing I later find it in the weeds down in the ditch. Luckily no damage to the shaft or the truck only thing broke were all 4 u joint straps, u joints, &the centering tabs on both yokes. So not a good day but could have been much worse
  7. Hey touring just drive her home!! Have a adventure! I would but then again I hhave been known to do things that seemed like a good idea at the time that looking back on weren't so good lol
  8. Definitely needs the mack rears put back in
  9. Ya its been on cl for a while. I bet ebay don't bring over 5k
  10. Here's ya some u parts and ac to boot. No connection just passing along http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/4604365702.html
  11. What's the dump in the background of the first pic? Is it a single axle by chance?
  12. Small hood letters and side mounted hood markers make it 70-72?
  13. What size rubber does it have 12x22's or 24's
  14. OK so unless your dumping into a paver or hauling a pup dump there is no actual benefit? I've seen a lot of 1 tons with angled gates and always was like why?
  15. OK I have a question that may seam kinda dumb (I know there are no stupid questions, just stupid people asking questions but that's another story). What is the purpose of having a dump bed with the tailgate mounted on a slant? Just seams to me that you'd get gravel and ect. constantly dumped down the face of the gate. I've noticed that out west they seam to have been used for a while but some are just starting to show up here in wv. So I I thought I would ask to see if someone could she'd some light on the subject
  16. Don't forget We Employ Rookies No Experience Required And Camo Repoed Snyder Truck
  17. Ya your right vinny just about all the 800 coal trucks have great shape cabs with little to no rust. Now the interiors leave a lot to be desired and are usually busted up
  18. Ya those big body's like that are common around here for off road coal hauls. And yes heavy spec 12.00x24 rubber and 68k rears. The 2 dm's were tip turbine and 6spd the rd's were prod 400's with 8ll's The blue Rd was in the best shape of the 3 and I use best loosely. Vin I saw all the visors and thought ohhhhhh I'd like to have those! !
  19. How much were they changed Ron? They kinda look like a H model too
  20. I thought about that after I posted and thought I bet he meant the little hybrid b model c series
  21. To the best of my knowledge and someone correct me if I'm wrong here but the C series was it's own cab and was only used for fire trucks
  22. Went to a machinery auction in falls mills va (about 10 mins from Bluefield) and saw all these sitting outside the place. Asked and they came off the job this spring and their wanting to sell them. Gotta go back on Tuesday and going to ask about them. There were 2 more dm's up by the road that I didn't get a pic of
  23. I'd like to have the visior off the dm!!!
  24. Well good to hear it didn't take a boat ride
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