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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Ohh really havent seen that one it must stay inside. Id love to get a hold of some of his old iron thats sitting in Chesapeake. And ya if you hear from Brain let me know cause that is something im eager to go check out. Ok ill have to give ya a ring. Im always on the hunt for parts that i may need now or later
  2. It was my dad remembers it from back in the 80's hauling scrap from the mines and it used to be sharp!! And ya the cl has a great dash no cracks e7-454 and only like 310k miles
  3. And the cab is in good shape and it runs like a champ. Id love to have the visor for mine
  4. True....hopefully soon ill have a good 300. Now its just the small problim of its slightly far away
  5. Omg i wish i was closer to utah!!! That is just about exactly what i want except its not puppy powered
  6. Ok had to use the transtar to haul off some scrap from work this morning and snapped a few pics of some interesting specimens i saw. Its a shame some of this stuff was scrapped A good running cl700 with nice interior well it was when it showed up dont know now A r model left over from the previous owners used to be one of their main road trucks now is a yard dog A old euclid Whats left of a c60 was a good cab A s series IH dump good bed just minus a tailgate And a lil celtrac dozer (i thought this was the biggest shame)
  7. Found some cool items there and a u with a screamin demon while it is a bastard set up for a mack anyway it still would be cool cause how often do you see them
  8. I forgot about the one up on rt2! They haul fly ash with them. Last time i saw them they all looked in great shape. Sorry to get the thread off topic
  9. Damn!! Worst thing ive hit was a trash can and some deer and a toyota tacoma. The can was just funny cuase i drug a plastic trash can for about 10 miles lol. Hit some deer, one was during hunting season ( didnt even have to go in the woods that year). Also hit a 08 toyota tacoma at about 45mph after he stopped on the interstate, lucky i was in my 1 ton dump at the time
  10. Keepin them inside and outta the weather is key. That and frequent baths
  11. I had forgot about the kw half cab. Thats a pretty cool pic
  12. Great lookin lil truck. Like the round tanks
  13. Yup Casto's truck sales outta kenna wv
  14. I would say change the two sensors first sence they are going to be easier to change the the pump and see if it makes any difference. If it does there ya go if not well you have to change the pump anyway. Are any lights on in the dash? Also you say it has low power, is this low power constant or just when your accelerating and the truck is black smoking? If so then your wastegate could be opening and releasing your boost psi. Now im assumeing your truck has a wastgated turbo im not real fermiliar with the renault stuff
  15. Welcome to BMT And great looking AC. Keep us up to date and good luck!! P.S. were all picture junkies on this site
  16. I've seen a interesting loop hole in the dpf.. I've seen it done with good results on a med. duty paccar. They took the filter off and drilled a pattern of 1" holes thru it the dpf the equaled the area inside the exhaust pipe. The exhaust flowed freely and the ECM thought the filter was always clean, no regen, no ridiculously high temps, and better fuel mileage. There is a video on YouTube. It was done on a cummins powered Pete 330?
  17. There ya go!! And the mudflaps on the bumper for those high speed reverse moves! This guy has all kinda old trucks wasn't able to get pics of the others but he has a tandem b, a nice white, a IH load star diesel and a good looking diamond reo. I'll try to get a pic of them on here shortly..
  18. I love the pencil drawings. Those are beautiful pieces of art work
  19. Cought this puppy parked with a older IH and a paystar
  20. Love the b and your orig. round tanks look good. Sorry I'm not going to be much help on the speedo though not very familiar with the b's. great lookin truck though
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