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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Hmmm ok so the side mount inter cooler with the tip turbine is the CMCAC?
  2. Ohhh wow!!!!! Now thats when trucks had class and manufactures took real pride in the trucks they built
  3. Im with ya maddog i wonder if any of the golden puppys are still around?
  4. Ohhh thats even better i thought it looked like SS but i figured it was just new aluminum. Defiantly pretty ill have to do some research and see if there are any around to be had. Thanks for the info Superdog
  5. That does make ya want one. Its a shame those are gonna rot away. Got word of a daycab fmodel for sale, gonna go investigate this eve
  6. Looks like you had a good truck to start with which makes all the difference in the world. You say your stretching it, whats the end set up gonna be and what did she start out as?
  7. Poor lil abandoned puppy with vines starting to take over. Lil blue r model is nice. I see the quickway cows up my way usually day cabs though
  8. Awesome lil finds!!!!
  9. Lucky dog, pun intended, looks like a great truck and its from my neck of the woods im only 45 mins from beckley. The turnpike commission always had macks with a few exceptions thrown in the mix but they always took good care of their equipment. Great find and good luck with her
  10. Thats exactally what im going for right there!!!!Anyone know what brand of sleeper that is? I really like the quilted aluminium look. Ya it will have a look all its own and anyone who takes a truck thats a little "off" to start with and put a sleeper on it has to be a little "off" himself LOL
  11. No connection just passing along http://eastky.craigslist.org/cto/3995935020.html
  12. I see this alot, mostly when referring to a ford 300cid and the ad is typed by a computer or someone not the owner and itll say 306 cyl instead of 300 6 cyl
  13. Wow they did use a u/dm model base never knew that. Im with ya Vin the nes i saw were deff outta my price range Maddog your right for what the guy was asking im suprised it wasnt scooped up already Your right glen they are!! I like the rd800 idea that would have a awsome look sitting at a fuel island next to all the plastic trucks lol That 800 is sweet looks excellent shape too Thanks Bob
  14. Ohh really!? I didnt know that, ill have to look
  15. The rubber duck truck was a western r700
  16. There is some but not bad for a mixer from northern ohio
  17. Im figuring ill have to move the access hole in the bunk to match the cab. Wont be easy but if it was easy youd see it more often
  18. Ok So ill have to change all of it. Thats what i thought id have to change the chair too
  19. Like the little LF and the b81 looks to have some good potential. Shame the v8is now a boat anchor
  20. Thanks ECD she is in good shape. A good cl find, traded the guy a 96 crew cab ford pick up for her. Ya your right vladislav a sleeper dm tractor will be a beast of a different color. Does anyone know if the solid walking beams can be changed to camelback with out a act of congress and a left arm?
  21. I beleave i see a b model dump with no bed in the background of the first pic
  22. Ya im with ya. Flat dash is defiantly older than 76. Didnt they go to the "tan" interior in 73?
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