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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Name: '77 dm686 Date Added: Owner: countryboy5487 countryboy5487
  2. Well i finally got back in a mack its a 77 dm686 contrete mixer. 300 tip turbine create motor and a tight 6spd. I was told its a 300 but the data tag doesnt say so...... It has ps 18k fronts 42k rears on solid walking beams which i plan to change to camelbacks. The mixer seems in decent shape but its coming off and my plan is to turn her into a tractor and put on a 36" sleeper. Here are some pics, enjoy
  3. Good eye Vin, i didnt catch that
  4. Hmmmm hard one but id have to say a lJ or steel nose mack (r or dm). But i am partial to the long snout on the dm800
  5. I agree with superdog i would want something before the lift pump to catch the big chunkys. Military trucks have a mesh type of element in their primary filter housing and i would always replace them with a paper filter. Just for a lil piece of mind.
  6. Great pic of the superliner and mh and like the super with the ablebody sleeper and the tandem b model
  7. Wish i still had my '70 model fleetstar, i could have used that cab
  8. B81 looks good and straight. But im with farmer, im game for the R
  9. Holy crap!!! Now that a heavy haul trailer!
  10. Oh ok that makes sence....Well dynatard is still better than nothing or just a exhaust brake
  11. 500hp v8 super puppy with jake and all dayton wheels!!!!...... Drool......
  12. The f looks like it has great potential
  13. Looks like it has a clean nhc cummins
  14. There is one on commercial truck trader under other on the medium duty section imt crane in NC prob a 12-14'
  15. That would be cool to turn back into a tractor again
  16. Well thats a interesting lil read on its history
  17. If you do figure it out let me know cause i cant either
  18. How did it empty? Does the back lift up like a modern garbage truck?
  19. Deff a beauty but would have to be a trailer queen so it wouldnt break you. I know a ford industrial 534v8 got around 2-3 mpg id hate to drive her very far unless i wasnt paying for fuel
  20. Always makes you feel good when you fix two problems at once. Especially when one you didn't know about!
  21. Always makes you feel good when you fix teo problims at once. Especially when one you dodnt know about!
  22. Now thats different and cool. Looks small enough that you could put it on a sngle axle tractor frame
  23. Looks like a great lil blue tandem!!
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