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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Hmmmm... A v model, interesting lol. Decent looking wrecker i also like the old stainless van behind it. And nice looking lil dump but kinda pricy
  2. She is a great looking lil dump aside from the crappy paint job but i guess its better to have a crappy paint job the no paint job and rust. Id love to replace my IH transtar dump with a lil u or dm like this one
  3. I agree with ya Vin, they sound best with 4" stack(s). I put some 6" pipes on a 237 and besides the fact it took till the second rev for the first ones puff of smoke to trickle out it didnt sound (or look) as good as the single 4"
  4. If anyone knows of or has a dm 800 or 600 (prefer a steel nose) or a u model that they would like to sell or trade let me know ive been looking for one to make into a tractor
  5. With it having the pto winch jake and ps, put a small equipment trailer and have a great lil pair
  6. And its a shame that all the trucks now are these boxy square edge trucks with no character. Even though the cf is boxy but at least it was a good looking boxy truck
  7. Now thats different and pretty cool make a one at a truck show
  8. Nice lil tractor the house trailer mirrors would have to go though
  9. Ill be there! And if everything works out with my dm tractor (fingers crossed)
  10. Thanks for fixin my picture JT. Hard to flip it on a iphone
  11. I like the long grover air horn. Looks like the one off convoy
  12. Do you remember where on rt 2 you saw it? sounds interesting
  13. Ohhh crap.... Upside down it figures
  14. Id rather trade it for another truck actually something puppy powered. Doesnt have to be a show truck but would like it to run and drive and be fairly decent looking
  15. I have a transtar that im going to be selling or trading its a 78 250 cummins 10spd single axle dump runs drives and dumps great
  16. I think I see jake heads.......
  17. I agree I would have at least took a hose and a brush and scubbee to sap and fungus off and at least make her a lil presentable
  18. I would loved to have gotten ahold of it thats right what im lookin for, (dm 800 with a 300 and a 6spd) and put a fifth wheel on her
  19. Does the low power happen at any certin time ie pulling hills accelerating? Or is it totally random? If your boost gauge goes to almost zero the problim is mostly in the intake system. But with it beeing not constalt low power its not a blowed/broke boot i would start at your waste gate on the turbo sence i beleave thats the only place to just randomally loose boost pressure. What do you have to do to get power back? Or does it fix its self?
  20. Who got the dm? Anybody on bmt?
  21. I will agree mostly macks are a east coast truck but the ones that are out west are usually in great shape. Because of either dry climate or the lack of salt on winter roads. So we have more macks on this side if the country but the west coasters are in better shape
  22. Im with ya Vinny most of the good stuff is out west
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