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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. I saw those that would be a awsome trio to keep together if they really are sequential serial numbers
  2. Mike its listed on the Cincinnati cl page. Ive been trying to trade him out of it but not having much luck (just my luck) but its a good looking truck in my opinion
  3. I thought mid 80's. It could be a original 89 model or 89 is when it was rebuilt and retitled
  4. No connection just thought it was cool http://nashville.craigslist.org/hvo/4293611148.html
  5. Jerry (jettertrucks) has a ex overnight mb in Roanoke
  6. Ya 99% sure there 22.5's on the rear except for the black rim is a 20"
  7. I dont like barn door gates. They have their place but I dont know how many times we have had to work on tailgates sagging, hinges broke, latches not catching. I personally wouldnt own a swing gate
  8. Love the steel nose and especially the single axle
  9. here in wv were allowed 66k on road in a tandem. Triaxle im Not Sure on and the regular 80k on high way with tractors. But for coal hauls wv has certin routes (2 lane roads mostly) that are permitted roads and if you have your coal resource transportation permit you are good to haul 126k on tractors with a 3 down trailer, and I think tri axles are good to 80k I think but I might be wrong on their weight
  10. That truck has been for sale several times it is a decent setup and in decent shape but for what he bought it for (I was trying to buy it just wasn't fast enough) I dont see why the price increase is so much
  11. Hmmmm.... a 2070b would be interesting trans especially having air shift reverse
  12. Its a nice looking truck for sure.and ya thats the one from cl I reckonize the bumper with no lights in the holes. What would you want for the truck as just a wet line c&c/tractor
  13. Ya thats about what they go For on ebay.....when they are turn key trucks not a pig in a poke in a field
  14. Ok will do. How much would you want for one?
  15. Looking for the air scoops that are on either side of the center cab light on a U/DM
  16. That is a good looking U
  17. Im wanting jakes, dynatard for a 289
  18. LMAO. Does sound like a nice truck
  19. Im with ya superdog that trucks right up my ally but with it in tx I couldnt afford to get it here
  20. Ya my b had about 3/4" of bondo between the fenders and headlight panels I sannded it all of of mine. And if there wanting 25k there gonna sit on it for a while
  21. If it was near me id have a problem.... wondering how to get it home
  22. That's a beautiful lil dump you'll like the 6 speed I think its the best tranny for a dump
  23. That's a beautiful lil dump you'll like the 6 speed I think its the best tranny for a dump
  24. Ok ill try to get the axle and pump number
  25. My B needs king pins anybody know a part number for them or a good place to get them from? Also need to either rebuild my compressor or put on a new one any thoughts????
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