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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. dont feel bad everybody said the same about the white rims on my b
  2. Darn I was hoping it was a 2000 series fleetstar
  3. Caught these dogs while on my last few house coal deliveries nice lil rd tri axle belongs to Rodney Loftis and son excavating. They used to have a big fleet of r's and dm's back about 10 years ago. WV paving (southern wv asphalt) has this nice rd
  4. Got any pics and info on the white and fleetstar
  5. Found these at a local antique store and had to bring them home. A firehouse subs b model own cab and a NAPA AC stake body also found the nice mack ladder truck. Not sure if its a A or a LJ. Also never saw a fullsize tonka car
  6. There is a coal hauling outfit locally that has that has about 20-25 new kw's and they. All have that pait
  7. Wow to bad on the scania part thats a great looking lil tractor
  8. Me being a rail fan as well as a mack nut I found this article to be extra interesting!!! Thanks for p posting about this and macks other little known products
  9. there ya go. Sounds like like a good idea to me
  10. Ohh ok ill have to try that
  11. Figures its crooked. Got a new phone and haven't been able to figure out how to to rotate my pics y yet
  12. Heres the Kanawha Transport truck that was mentioned earlier in the thread. A good lookin rd
  13. Not bad for $680
  14. No connection but looks decent fair price and is air start http://m.truckpaper.com/ListingDetail/Index?listingId=4802783&categoryId=217
  15. With that short a wheelbase when you tilt the cab becarefull it doesn't tip over on its face. Great looking lol day cab good score!!!!!!
  16. Ive taken wiper arms and cut the old wiper connections off and weld on new style ends. Worked well on my deuce
  17. I thought about that but mine has missing letters so ill have to replace one
  18. How much for the body? Any more pics?
  19. Very nice looking lil flatbed agree scania powered not 9500 maybe 5500 is a good shape specimen though. Id run it, run it till the motor pops and 237 transplant
  20. Pm sent
  21. Went with the girlfriend to michael's the other day and stopped in the model asle and found this!!! Not a bad model i was impressed for $24.99
  22. Nice lil single axle flat!!!!
  23. I agree the cummins would be a good swap but everybody else has the same idea for putting the 4&6 bt's into everything. The 466 would be a excellent transplant if you have the room for one. Simple reliable and cheap. If you don't have the room for a 466 the 6.9 or 7.3 idi engines would be good options as 2stack said
  24. Im in the same boat both my therm. Emblems are broke and one diesel is too and im hunting for them
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