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About mackdumper

  • Birthday 12/10/1959


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    eastcoast NYC/NJ

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  1. Hi Puppy, r-models are notorious for passenger door wind/wshr tanks cracking over winter months and just cracking from bouncing around on job sites pot-holes etc, etc. I would try possibly blowing back thru all the rubber lines and especially w/w supply hose from door tank, any poss clogs from sediment particles and such in w/w tank. may be a temp fix, another 15 years would be a nice fix! good luck!
  2. Whenever Bosses of mine needed to mess with titles & registrations on there commercial vehicles, I've always know it to be a trip down to motor vehicle in Trenton, N.J.'s capital. Can't do much at the local dmv's or regionals. jeez what with computers and such in this day and age. go figure? Also when they needed company id;s or corporate codes they usually would use there social security codes with 3 ooo'S added in the beginning or at the end. IT wasn't a trick or nothing. it's what it was more or less. hope maybe that give you some idea.
  3. I appreciate all the info in regards to floaters, But Wait a minute as you put mileage on yo odometer sin't floaters those things you get in your eyes but you somehow have to train your brain that they really aren't there ? Oh boy I digress once again.....I got information that I was sorely in need of and I thank you all so very much. Except in this case,I asked a silly question and all I got was some very good replies to my situation. End result being that all I have to do is decide on a heavy duty lugged floatation tire which seems to be best due to the off road situations that I am often found in. which isn't really that extreme. I dig em at the quarrys when foul weather hits, Also winter snow plowing. They are quite reassuring as to my safety. But the shop put one continental ribbed type floater and the other a Bridgestone lugged type on the R-model. Boy they sure give you a good amount of distance between between the cords and the pavement on those continentals, must be an inch@least or more of good rubber tire. keeping any nails from trying to go threw and ruin your day. well ya'all have a great and safe days ahead. thanks again, I do appreciate the replies
  4. another reason to watch such exciting unrealistic productions. I'm always getting aggravated thinking that this is reality television?? stay tuned folks.......
  5. When it comes to C.B, radios I have have a collection at my moms garage also. D104's,Turners,Road kings. Etc. Etc. I remember learning that you have to isolate your radios and antennas separately from certain make truck chassis. due to "positive grounds". You were ok as long as you used the plug in power socket that they gave you but if /when you placed the antenna on the mirror bracket, bam the finals just got baked. We had to reverse shield and the copper line if I remember correctly. I never thought I'd be running naked in the quarry's with no ears on. However it's been over 6 years without a c.b. and to tell you the truth. . . I'm enjoying the peace and quiet of trucking without a squawk box adding to all the noise. Wow De ja vue remembering that c.b. radio faze way back when . Before them dick tracey cell phones that nobody can live with out anymore. never mind cellphones now all they want to sell you is smartphones. Heck just give me a roll of dimes and put back those payphones. drive safe truckers, Hey rob, I'm not surprised that Joey had radios for you in his trucks. But I remember Leslie's trucks and that you were lucky to have power tarps to cover your loads,nevermind cb radios. lol
  6. Hey now, I see your fleet up at Braen, I'll be on the lookout for this new one. I remember my cousin had to fight H&H for the big motor with his automatic, back then all they wanted to give you was the 350. Mack didn't want anybody blowing up the automatics. until they were sure that they would perform well. Then they could try 2 blow them up. lol They wanted the sale so he got his what was it 427? 454? it's when they first came out with the amatics. also I think he got a lower gear for low and reverse, similar to a low reduction. due to the full-time milling crew that he's on. also first thing he did was drop the atf and replace with synthetic atf. what a hassle mack gave him a hard time over that. and they wanted to void the warrentee because of that. I mean c'mon you would think they would be more then happy 4 him to do that ? go figure? It seemed like a 55 gallon drums worth of ATF. Around the time this all happened was when the automatic was just coming out in a big way and dealers had a few demonstrators they were loaning out to guys like veniero and none of his drivers wanted to drive it. I remember it was a blue cab with a Tony Sanchez installed body. It got passed around. the automatic just wouldn't move with a 350 power plant. One of the problems the automatic created was that now anybody that could hold a steering wheel and had a CDL could get a job driving a heavy-duty dump truck, No experience necessary. anyway enjoy/goodluck and drive safe. I think i'm mistaken about the lower first and reverse with the automatic? i'm pretty sure that was done with a fuller 8 spd that my cuz ordered. and that's why he liked the older r-models with the mud sticks they crawled along perfectly with any milling machine ouch my clutch leg is charly horseing from just thinking about all that. oh one more thing..........don't be surprised that u can't find the clutch pedal when you come to red lights. . .lol
  7. Great replies drivers, my bad on the mixed up numbers I gave jakebrake86 earlier. What I have is Bridgestone 385/65 R22.5 floaters on the front axle which brings the axle rating up from 16,000 to 18,000. M844 found on the sidewall maybe a model/style number? Which is a nice lugged tread which has lasted for just over 6 years. not bad for an on/off road steer axle tire. My mileage is lower then the trucks that run quarry loads,because I run for the contractor not the quarry, which is his 5/8 loads to my two/four per day. The r-model had to replace one tire and they gave us a Continental highway tread front-runner,which normally I prefer the lugged pattern even on steeraxles but this continental is sweet. looks like it'll last a good long time. We register the tandems at 70,000 gvwr and we're registered with apportioned plates due to the jobs we contract across state lines, which allow tandems to be no more then 56,500, N.Y.S or there abouts and tri-axles are allowed even less. I think it's 52,500 gvw on tri-axles. Surprisingly tractor dump-trailers which in New Jersey are matched accordingly to dump tandems and/or tri-axles are same as trailers. Meaning 70,000, 80,000 with drop axles. Also can be loaded up to 110,000 gross with r/permits in N.Y.C. & 5 boro's`. Correct me if I'm wrong, It's been awhile since I've run demolition out of the rotten apple. Teamsters Local 282 kept me busy with any jersey outfits that needed to get onto city job sites an such. My knees wobble just thinking of hauling anywhere above 80,000 gross. and always being on the lookout for the Port Authority mobile scales so we knew which tunnel to run out of, then you had the Bergen county cops on top of overpasses along rt.3 and 495 as you entered along the meadowlands and such. And in regard to running on/off road, what seems to be the worse is getting in and out of the quarrys without biteing any chunks out of tires and /or puncturing a tire with hidden rebar in the dumps or just passing the 1-1/2 stockpile, hell I've punctured tires on 3/4 clean stone, they're as sharp as arrowheads. So I understand what my bosses are thinking, but being pennywise and dollar foolish versus performance well I know which side i'm on. thanx again for all your replies. drive safe,
  8. Oh yeah there wider then that 488/466 I believe? I wrote it down but my eyes are ready for toothpicks. I git back this weekend see whats else is new. thanks p.s. as for the hubs that's what i'm afraid of.
  9. wow my first truck DM 800 with 5x4 twin sticks. what a truck to learn on, you figure that one out and its in your blood. take it from me. shifting main box and/or auxiliary whilst attempting to make turns around corners you would need to have left arm thru the steering wheel on one stick and the other hand on the other stick. and if u had plenty of miles on that unit such as mine then once and awhile u would have to pull over and climb underneath and free up the shift tower linkage that got jammed because you didn't get the shift done just right. hop back in and start all over and try again wow memories fond fond memories . not so much then but definitely now. p.s. might a cone axle be a 58,000 rear reference
  10. We have two tandem dumps. One is an R-model with spoke wheels and the other is a granite with steel buds. now they both have floaters on the front axles ....ok so here's the questions ? The boss came up with the idea that he would like to eliminate the floaters on both trucks for two reasons, 1. the tires are expensive as all heck. 2.he needs cores for recapping and to use on the rear tandems. so on the mechanical R-model all axles are spoke wheels with buds, will the rear rims bolt up to the front axle that had previously had floaters,or is there some sort of off set on the floater rim and it shouldn't be a problem?or it will be a problem and what do I need to do? now on the granite it has aluminum alcoas front wheels with the same floaters. will the steel buds on the rear axles bolt up to the front axle? Please try to forgive me for even considering this idea (idea not mine) I drive the granite and I am so happy with the additional rating and maneuverability I get with the floaters,I also think it to be sacreligious of sorts to even think of doing any of the above. I just need to know what they are going to be up against if they try. I'm desperately trying to stop this from happening. y'all drive safe now y'hear dawg,
  11. Yeah nice set-up,par for the course. I run an earlier granite tandem with front floaters,along with the tandem tag-along up in north jersey. Would like to have the tri-axle set-up sometimes, but the tandem is able to carry 22 ton and manuverability is key issue with all the tight spots etc,etc.compared to a tri-axle that carrys 27 ton and has that drop axle in the way and length. We do quite a few residential jobs,and what with the narrow streets & driveways and wires and trees you just can't raise a long body. what i've seen some guys do in those instances is they dump the asphalt on the ground and use the skid-steers to transfer to the paver. what a mess. Welcome to my life. steve, P.S.nice pic's look's like no worries of aboveground utilities being /getting in the way by you. heh-heh
  12. hey now......what it is?? well been along time since i switched up to r-models from dm's now i'm stuck in an early granite.

    1. mowerman


      least its not a volvo.lol...bob

    2. mackdumper


      been there done that heh heh Volvo autocar mack who owns who? and oh yeah them aardvark reos back in 79 hooie

  13. Hey Lew, Just wondering how you made out? any pictures?I didn't see this thread till labor day. My bad! steve,
  14. God bless you for doing what you do. I am envious. I also adore this family foto, so to speak. I was proud to have my neice hand me tools thruout her years . Especially proud when she removed her own set of training wheels all by herself. After the useless feeling subsided, i came to my senses and still am so proud. mackdumper,
  15. wow rsmartyn you've just shown me the light! the idea is to go over to all them south american countrys and buy up all the mack cabs/axles engines/transmissions and chassis/rears anything and everything . HMMPH I WONDER hmmm could it possibly work somehow or another? i think i smell wood burning?
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