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  1. I don't think it's an egr engine do you know if I can check the turbo or it needs a mechanic thanks for your reply Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi I have a 2001 Etech 470, something strange happening with the boost pressure and power. I havent seen the boost gauge go over 150kpa for a few months truck felt a bit like it had lost some power but I thought must be my imagination then last week going uphill the truck made a completly different sound and took off up the hill like a rocket looked at the boost gauge it was reading 225kpa since then it has been up and down noticeable sound difference and gauge pressure when its going well. not showing any fault codes, the mechanic had a look changed 2 hoses on the intercooler and a sensor also sometimes the tacho will go up fast and sometimes slow on the same road in the same place sort of feels like driving into a headwind or soft ground if anyone has any ideas what could be happening that would be great thanks
  3. thanks for your help much appreciated
  4. Hi could anyone tell me if 4:73 diif ratio would be ok for a tipper or dump truck has mack 18 box and 454 engine thanks
  5. Hi just wondering if anyone can help me I have a 1981 r 600 with a 501 compressor need to know if a 750 will go straight on to the same drive cog also any ideas of how to get the unloader valves out of the block of the 501 have tried blowing air through the govenor line thanks
  6. anyone have any ideas why new brakes and drums are squealing loudly when stopping I replaced the old one for the same reason but these are still the same
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