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Phase 1

Pedigreed Bulldog
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  1. Some early engines used rotary intake and exhaust valves instead of the more commonly used poppet valves. I have read about them but do not remember what kind of engine or vehicle used them, possibly it was Mack. Have found a reference to the Russell-Rees Rotary Valve Engine Corporation being incorporated in 1927 in Wilmington Delaware. Possibly Rees had earlier pioneered or manufactured that valve type and Mack had used it in early engines.
  2. There are kits to repair them. Google steering wheel repair. You will also find places that do steering wheel repair..
  3. I will take a guess at Cline.
  4. Yes, true screamers
  5. It appears the seal that is leaking is on the shaft.
  6. and the Oldsmobile Jetstar.
  7. From what I have found, the lock collar type costs more and takes longer to assemble in production, but it is stronger. The one piece assembly will move out of place easier. Plus it is said that when the screws are tightened in the one piece, they will jack the race out of round.
  8. If the lock ring is not tightened in the correct direction, the inner race can back off leaving it loose on the shaft. Of course, that cannot be done when the shaft turns both ways. There are bearings with an extended race that have 2 set screws in the race that would work in an application of turning both ways. On a steering shaft I don't think the eccentric type will be a problem.
  9. The lock collar should be tightened in the direction of rotation. But the steering shaft rotates both ways! So how do you tighten it? At the RPMs of a steering shaft it probably doesn't matter!
  10. About 1944-1947 GMC 900 series. 6-71 engine.
  11. And beside the paint, the roller skate wheels don't do it for me. Why do they put big trucks on a 1 ton chassis?
  12. Those are melons.
  13. What is the model number?
  14. Tire damage wasn't the concern. It was to prevent the bumper from hitting the tire and causing the loss of steering control which would result in a crash.
  15. For pictures, do a search here for en510. That manifold would be very desirable to many owners.
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