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About ejensen21

  • Birthday 08/08/1981


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    Mack trucks and Caterpillars
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  1. im talking about the fuel filter housing it has a cracked at the bottom so i want to put a spin on fuel filter but my fuel filter housing has the third air bleeder line
  2. can i put a regular spin on fuel filter and tee the air bleeder line into the return line i can't find a new canister the engine is a 711end with bosh pump
  3. No the 12v key power that turns on series parallel the one from start button i have that on the new stater for start signal
  4. The issue is the solenoid when i hook switch wire from series parallel up it shorts out
  5. IM trying to keep it positive ground and im having a issue what am i doing wrong the starter is isolated but the solenoid isn't were do the cables go
  6. Thanks a lot those pics are great whats that an r model our a u
  7. I attached some pics of the oil lines I had them removed and just making sure I have them right putting them back on its been awhile
  8. I have the oil cooler so i have the two lines going in to the big can filter housing what do i do with those lines our do they offer a filter housing that will take the oil cooler lines
  9. Hey guys i want to put a spin on oil filters on my end711. it has the oil cooler and the big can filter with the two 1 inch lines and small 1/2 line whats involved with it ? do i half to change a spring in the oil pump ? i just rebuilt the engine in.
  10. Thanks for the help my orignal on the truck has a broken ear and that one in the pic came in a box with the truck when i got the truck
  11. sorry the pictures of the pump are here im just trying to find out if it will replace the old style one
  12. hello Im replacing my genorater driven powersteering pump i have a new one i bought it looks diffrent its new in mack box from 1987 part # looks like sz102443 its square and looks more like a new style powersteering pump then the orignal has same bolts right up has any one heard of what i have do you think it will work i attahed a picture
  13. thanks for all the help maybe all leave the rotoy pump on the 673 maybe i will leave the 711 in the truck it runs great but i worry about it on the tranny the 20 speed it a 1963 and the 18 is a 1960 i like the idear of useing the unused holes in the tranny thanks again eric
  14. could i swap a inj pump from a end711 to a 673t engine around the same year also i have an 18speed tranny out of a b61 and a 20 speed out of a b81 i would like to put the back half of the 20 speed on the 18 speed becauce one of the tranny mount bolt holes is cracked and put it back in the b81 the reseon for the inj pump swap is the 673t has a bosch psj rotory pump and i don't trust it like the ape pump thanks eric
  15. Thanks for the info on the engine swap you guys have been a big help
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