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Milaca last won the day on September 25 2020

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    Milaca, MN U.S.A.

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  1. It has been sitting for two years on my yard in central Minnesota, so I gave it some attention yesterday. Then I posted it for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $5200.
  2. Very few vintage trucks in attendance (12 total?), but here are a few photos including a 1929 Sterling.
  3. Yes, I still have it though I took it off listing. It has cab rust issues and has been off public roads for several years, however I hauled three loads of gravel with it last month (November 2021) with no problem.
  4. With heavy heart, I listed my Mack for sale. Marketplace - 1964 Mack C-600 | Facebook I have been using it very sparingly and I hate seeing it parked outside. I hope that someone will restore it and/or use it as opposed to parking it outback. I have made several postings about this truck dating back to 2012 when I purchased it. I hate to sell it, but I hate to see it rust away in the elements. If you can't see the Facebook ad, I am asking $4500 for it and I am located in central Minnesota.
  5. I prefer the L-cab, but I assume they went with the curvy design for an updated appearance (by 1950s standards, that is). Studebaker debuted a similar looking cab design for 1949 for their pickups and trucks (my 1950 Studebaker shown in photo), and Studebaker continued to use this design up until the end of truck production in 1964. Back to the L-cab, in my opinion, its design/appearance was far ahead of its time and had more legroom than it's competitors. Currently, trucks like the Peterbilt 379 & Kenworth W-900 have cabs that look similar.
  6. Thirty years ago I had a GM diesel run-away in an Allis-Chalmers HD9 dozer. I suffocated the intake with a steel coffee can until the engine shut down. The mechanic diagnosed it as a stuck governor. He repaired the governor then all was fine.
  7. Update: The owner of Northwest Diesel, Arden Gall, passed away Jan. 8, 2019. Rumor has it that his family sent the trucks that were sitting in the yard to the neighboring scrap metal recycler. Hopefully some were rescued, I have no more information than that. Attached is a link to his obituary. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/sctimes/obituary.aspx?n=arden-d-gall&pid=191217067&fhid=12808
  8. The C-600 is listed as a 1969 G-600, I informed the owner of his mistake. I have no connection or other information pertaining to these trucks. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/748536775943557 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/635542747362542 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2937761623001806
  9. How about some information on that Mack L-model dump truck in your last photo? Or is it a B-model with an L-model cab?
  10. tilynb61, did you ever sell your 1964 B755? If so, where did it go to? Otherwise, I may be interested in it if you still have it.
  11. International makes the Lonestar which is a throwback to the C-series trucks of the late 1930's. So I agree, Mack should offer trucks that look like this beauty and they should quit making the ugly Anthem (ugliest Mack ever designed).
  12. The L-cab B-model Macks are my favorite. Great looking truck.
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