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doug stack1

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    new york

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  1. Live in Duchess county about one hour north of NYC let me know thanks
  2. I'm looking for the whole nose of a b61 need everything but hood and grill if anyone could help with any places to find these parts I would appreciate it thanks
  3. Getting ready to take cab off hopefully next week
  4. Got wheel off today very easy hopefully pull cab off early next week I want to get cab stripped sandblasted and put into etch primer before its to cold
  5. Thanks that's what I will do remove the wheel thanks
  6. How do you remove steering column it seems to be part of steering box I'm removing cab or do you just remove the wheel itself ? Thanks
  7. Would be nice
  8. Well I already have a91 ch motor is 3 years old out of crate from Mack so as far as getting tape measure I'm sure I will wear it out the axle has to be moved forward that's easy the holes are already there for front hanger just have to drill rear holes and relocate shock mount I have quite the road ahead I was thinking of mounting air to air cooler inside frame behind cab and using electric fans have to fab cab mounts move battery box and exhaust. When finished will be great has air ride,jake brake,ac,dual stacks now all I need is time I know it can be done here goes nothing I will post pics all ideas will be appreciated
  9. Looking to put cab on a1991 ch chassis with mechanical 400 is it possible I'm taking cab off now I pretty sure it can be done we will see
  10. Can you fit a 400 mechanical Mack engine In a b61 Mack? Thanks
  11. Is a b model radiator enough to cool a 400 Mack motor and what about air to air cooler can it run without it . I want to put cab on 1991 ch chassis I know it can be done just wondering if anyone has seen this . Thanks
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