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  1. the brockway tom bouhgt used and started his bussiness with hauling containers, ten years later tom bought 3 mack rmodels and used them up until around 2000. tom contacted us to do the restoration we did the brockway first then we did the r model. the brockway has been to the hershey car show and recieved first place junior and also a first place senior
  2. erv was a good friend and will be greatly missed. always had a smile on his face and a very soft spoken man but a huge wealth of knowledge rest in peace erv. the pfahl family
  3. up until this moment i do but i hope someone else will own them soon
  4. Mack LTL project or parts We have a set of nos frame rails, 4 nos front spring hangers, nos headlights, new front springs, new hood, new bumper, new cab and floor skins, lots of extra frame parts, frame with nhb cummins and a 5spd mack with a 4 spd brownie 235 wheelbase call for more info and pics 11,500 203-266-6455
  5. john montville will be at my christmas party next week the 4th, i can ask him about this truck ... matt
  6. ive got a brand new old stock cab ,complete interior except drivers seat never mounted. still in primer ,call if interested 203 266 6455 ask for matt
  7. just like kenny jayne used to do ,and then i had my 6 wheeler the same way. now i have kennys 6 wheeler in my collection , matt
  8. it was alot of work to put the superliner front axle in , the u bolt spacing was different. and had to tap front axle holes put in 3/4/ inch threaded rod and then redrillholes for the b model spring spacing. the reason for this is because the holes are a half of a hole difference. then the power steering box that was mounted on the front axle also needed some modification. what was great about thts was i could also use the superliner colum in the trck. we also put in a trdlx1070 12 speed and used the swing pedal all of this took about 2 weeks of steady work as it is all trail and error any questions call me ...
  9. yes its a b61 bus. a b61p delivered to california, with power steering and a 5 speed . budd wheels
  10. we have a 743 nhb with a single disc pump its skipping like crazy and loads of fuel in oil, its not fuel dribble, there is way to much fuel in oil to be that, pulled #1,2 , injector copper sleeve might be cracked, i would like to pull them out but i dont want to destroy them . have motors manuals coming out my ears and none of them have 'how to' also have tons of cummings manuals also no" how to". single dics pump also has oil preasure feed to it wondering if seals might be bad , engine is running on 3 maybe 4 cylinders, 1,5,6 not working going to try to mve injectors to other cylinder to see if the skip will follow ,but its not easy as rocker boxes have to come off with each move, the external fuel lines are in good shape as are the tubes from the outside of the head to the injector dont really want to pull pan off and preasurize fuel system but i am almost sure i am going to have to
  11. we use power brake xchange in pittsburg pa they have rebuild units back into the 20s for us. power steering units ,vacuum , units, power brake and master cylinder units also. call me ,i dont have phone number in front of me at the moment call 203 266 6455 ask for matt
  12. It was either us or the junkyard, so we saved it!
  13. look on the passenger side rear frame rail around the rear spring hanger. if the truck has been cut or shortened its gone
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