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About R773

  • Birthday 01/22/1950


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    United Kingdom

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    Old trucks in general
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  1. B61SX Fire tanker and B61SX Heavy Hauler
  2. Name: 773ST Date Added: Owner: R773 R773
  3. Hi from the UK, your information is incorrect. The DS8 Scania engine was a 6 cylinder (the 8 denotes the litre capacity ie 8000cc) they were a very reliable unit but were only around 170hp similar to the Mack 673. It was used in road trucks but also very succesfully in Moxy off road dumpers. Geoff Makinson R773
  4. Complete cab for 1980 FM786 (Aerodyne Sleeper) but will take standard cab if available. MUST be in good condition, will pay top dollar
  5. If you want to see and hear this truck leaving the show, go on youtube type in Dutch american trucks and enjoy
  6. I will post pictures as soon as its completed (a few weeks)the hood as we speak is still in the paint shop and the cab is going back on this weekend. I bought the truck from Bob Connolly in E Northport Long Island NY back in 2008, it was sold new to Island Sand ∧ Gravel Hicksville NY in early 1969 and I think it has been around New York all its life. I never intended to completely restore it as it was quite tidy but it got damaged during unloading in Liverpool so it could not be used (hood was the main problem as I could not find a good used one anywhere)you probably know the 700 is a long hood. Lack of time due to other projects meant that it had to wait its turn and I have only got to working on it full time in the last 6 months, it has had the full treatment and I cant wait to hear it growl again. I have fitted twin 5inch chrome stacks which I have shipped over from Iowa80 with internal muffler inserts (if you can call them that) and also fitted a used Jake Brake kit which I located in Holland so it should sound pretty mean!
  7. Thanks to all who responded, all working trucks over here (whole of Europe) have speed limiters with a maximum speed of 56 mph, but this does not apply to historic or classic trucks so I am looking forward to burning past a lot of envious drivers. Incidentally David, my other noisy bastard (see FTF in recent gallery posting) 12V71 is flat out at 40mph, We tend to transport it any serious distance but this year it has been driven on several long runs including a trip over to the Mack and special transport show in Amsterdam Netherlands. (Ear protection recomended for long distances) Geoff.
  8. I have a 1968 R773ST nearing completion of full restoration, year 1968 original Detroit 318 8v71N coupled to original eaton RTO913 with .87 top gear, The rear end is 44,000 lbs with a 4.50 ratio. Anybody out there had a similar truck who can tell me what top speed to expect?
  9. Need brake valve instruction plates(truck tractor protection and dry/slippery road) new or very good used.will take complete valves if I have to (bendix?) also plates for light switches if available. Truck is 1968 R773 ST. Needed to complete high quality restoration.
  10. Hi Jim,thank you for the picture, Mrs Fox at the town hall said there were truck nuts in the town but you are the first to make contact. I hope things are okay in Swanzey and you were not impacted too much by "Sandy". I realise a few people in town were upset to lose the truck but you can reassure everbody that it is being looked after and enjoying its adventures this side of the "Pond" I have had to do some work on the truck but have no plans to change its identity. If you are interested I have plenty pictures of the truck to share if you send me an e.mail address (there is a link to my company website in the member info where you can access my address) You have an interesting collection,are they all restored? Regards Geoff Makinson.
  11. To all who may be interested this is a 1973 FTF ex army tank transporter (has fifth wheel) made in the Netherlands (Holland) but a lot of American content. FTF (Floor Truck Fabriek) were the Mack distributors for most of europe from the 1950s assembling them from kits,some had local cabs but most had standard Mack cabs. In the mid 60s there was a problem when Mack attempted to give the job to someone else which resulted in a legal battle subsequently won by FTF, in the time during the dispute FTF designed ther own truck which was produced from 1966, they did however carry on with the production and sales of Mack trucks well into the 70s and used mack components in some of their own trucks. The truck in the picture has Mack axles (front as well as 80,000 rears) Allison 5960 manual shift 6 speed with torque convertor and Detroit 12V71N engine rated at 475 hp. The cab was from Motor Panels in Great Britain. FTF stopped production of trucks in 1995 having only produced 657 trucks in thirty years but a lot of them were custom built to customers specific requirements for heavy work, most of them were Detroit powered but some had Cummins. My truck is rated at 110 metric tons gross but the same truck when fitted with a 4 speed auxiliary was rated at 250 tons,you can see the truck (and hear the screamin dozen) on Youtube, just type in FTF Magnaload GDSF (great dorset steam fair) it was pulling well over a hundred tons at the time uphill!
  12. Name: R773 ST Tractor Date Added: Owner: R773 R773
  13. Name: B model fire tanker Date Added: Owner: R773 R773
  14. various shows
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