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Everything posted by mp8_macky

  1. Do soot level reset with PTT, should help in these cases.
  2. You can reset the soot level with PTT, usually that is needed after replacing the DPF. If I were you I would just delete it, check https://truckecmtunes.com/
  3. I would go with borgwarner. I used them on some Cummins engines I had, and they were greata.
  4. Maybe egr valve is stuck open???
  5. I almost went bankrupt fixing them, and then decided to delete them. Ever since, they've been working great. Won't get into legal part, but I can tell you that with emissions on these trucks are useless. These guys saved me https://truckecmtunes.com/mack-mp8-def-scr-egr-dpf-delete-tuning-kit.html
  6. did they set the fan type with PTT software?
  7. Make sure to use trusted vendor for Macks. I've been using these guys for last 10 years, and I had no problems https://truckecmtunes.com/mack-dpf-egr-def-scr-delete.html
  8. Avoid emulators at all cost. You will have lots of issues with them. I did think they could be more cost effective solution than tuning, boy I was wrong... Do a proper DPF delete tuning on your Mack and you will be good. Again, I am mentioning company that saved me from bankrupt almost 10 years ago (a little less). https://truckecmtunes.com/mack-dpf-egr-def-scr-delete.html Direct link to web site https://truckecmtunes.com/
  9. Don't go with the emulators, they are worthless. A lot of time they fail, cause circuit issues. Overall it's a waste of money. Go with proper ECM delete tuning for Mack. I recommend my vendor. https://truckecmtunes.com/mack-dpf-egr-def-scr-delete.html
  10. like about million different things. check your truck for fault codes and that's your start.
  11. i wouldn't go with emulator because it only takes care of filter, and leaves egr on. also every person i know had nothing but bad luck with them (failing quite often). i use ecm tuning on all of mine, and they've been doing great.
  12. that's bullshit. i've done all my mp8s with def (2010-2013 years), and they've been running as good as the ones with no def. i said many times, the only source that has been working flawless for me is https://truckecmtunes.com
  13. one of my customers had exact same problem with mp10 few years back, issue was a bad delete. exact same thing, it would just shut down after 15min you have to use a trustful source of delete tunes
  14. i did warn people that not every delete is the same, and there are a lot of bad deletes. the egr must be blocked off with 2 steel plates, if you don't do that you will still get exhaust into your intake, and soot will build up, vgt will get sticky and fail a lot sooner. bad delete companies usually say that you dont have to block the egr off, some even say you can leave filters on - that's crazy. stick with a good supplier of delete program! as i said for million times here on the forum, i personally use and i forwarded at least a half a dozen of forum members to https://truckecmtunes.com everyone is very happy, and i run my first delete 5-6 years already with no issues.
  15. emissions are dpf-egr. they are terrible. i almost went bankrupt with them. my salvation was deleting it, and since then i've been running the same engine for 5 years (close to 700.000miles) with no major issues. for emission delete check https://truckecmtunes.com i am very grateful to them, since they saved me
  16. when it comes to diagnostics, there is a gold standard on volvo and mack (mack uses volvo engines). the program is called ptt, premium tech tool. with that program you can read codes, do diagnostics test (injector cut out, cylinder balance...), and even do ecm tuning. along with ptt you need diagnostic adapter i personally use nexiq usb link (around 700$) this nexiq usb link can work with original cat, cummins, detroit diesel program, so it is a handy tool
  17. First step to address to when having low power issues is checking intake for leaks Also when it comes to deletes i've been using https://truckecmtunes.com for 5 years already, i've never had a single issue Keep in mind that there are a lot of bad deletes floating around
  18. i can't stress enough how many emission related issues i had! the only way to get them run right is deleting the junk! i already wrote here before about it, i was close to bankrupt with all the bills building up. the guy who i can highly recommend is https://truckecmtunes.com
  19. the only way to get thosse us10 and us07 macks running right is deleting them. i did my entire fleet and zero issues since then. god knows how many times i was pulling my hair because of those fuckers. i recommend this company https://truckecmtunes.com
  20. try resetting the codes with a code reader or ptt program.
  21. bad actuator could cause rough idle. what's the power like?
  22. these motors are great once they are deleted. their biggest issues is the emission system which almost led my company to bankruptcy. it was terrible. one day it is the doser, the other day it is the sensor... when i did the delete i started breathing again, i can't thank the guy enough. be aware there are plenty of them claiming they can do them, but not a lot of can do them right. the only once that i know who do them right, are the same guys that did my entire fleet. i run these deletes for years now, and never had a single issue. i personally vouch for them. it is https://truckecmtunes.com/
  23. i agree on boost leaks. those manifold know to crack around bolts holding them. do pressure test and check it visually for any cracks. also what you guys should do from time to time is cleaning the boost pressure sensor, if the truck is not deleted it will even require this cleaning more often.
  24. Mack ECMs have to be programmed for either manual or automatic transmission to work properly. I fixed same issue (using deleted ecm from manual trans truck on a truck with auto trans) by reflashing with proper tune. It was done by guys I use all the time, and can't thank enough for solving all my issues https://truckecmtunes.com also regen switch can be disabled in programming parameters in ptt
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