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Everything posted by mp8_macky

  1. they performed great! no issues at all. the only thing i noticed was boost going from 35 psi to 25-26 psi, but that is normal because it is open exhaust now. i thought that it might have less power because of low boost, so i took one non deleted truck and a deleted truck (both sister trucks). hooked up same load, and used land marks to determine what kind of speed will it get on certain distance...and the speed is the same. once i prooved that to my drivers, they stopped complaining and started driving normal. then i got .5 - .7 MPG more. not hell of a lot, but still better than nothing, right! also no issues with dpf egr scr def - that saved my ass.
  2. it would save a ton of money & work if there was a tune that would eliminate the egr and vgt on old macks. i asked my tuners, but they don't have it. are you happy with power & mpg?
  3. if you are looking for someone to do emission deletes, i would recommend http://truckecmtunes.com/truck-dpf-egr-vgt-removal.html they saved my ass from bankruptcy when did my mp8 dpf egr and dpf egr scr deletes. 0 issues since.
  4. as i posted few times, i done mines with https://truckecmtunes.com they run great! these guys are able to do the tunes online, if you become their dealer or if you are a fleet (i guess 3-4 trucks is min). i got a laptop from them (since i did quite a few trucks, they gave the laptop with diagnostic software free of charge), and i do everything online.
  5. did mines through http://truckecmtunes.com/ issues free! works perfect! highly recommend.
  6. dunno is it legal or not, but i do know that it did save my ass! i spent thousands fixing the bad dpf system on a mack mp8 of mine. i got a delete done through http://truckecmtunes.com/ and i had 0 issues since. my dpf is drilled, and my egr is blocked off. no regens, no leaks, nothing!
  7. i did deletes on my macks, through http://truckecmtunes.com/ everything works perfect! no issues. high recommendations.
  8. oil fields
  9. 15psi @1400rpm sounds a bit high to me. we are talking about reving the truck, not driving it. if you are driving it, that could be ok.
  10. mine mack had a corrosion issue, mentioned by mr challenger
  11. deleting the trucks saved my ass, and since it was super hard to find someone to do it, that's why i decided to post it here on forum, to help others. my trucks are idling 80% of the time (running pto), and my dpf was clogging all the time. solution: http://truckecmtunes.com/
  12. check out these guys to, they do it online through diagnostic port (no need to take off the ecm): http://truckecmtunes.com/
  13. i got this done buy a company called truck ecm tunes. everything works like a charm. after putting the delete into the ecm, you have to block off egr and drill a 5" hole through center of dpf web site is: http://truckecmtunes.com/truck-dpf-egr-vgt-removal.html
  14. i want to share my experience with dpf egr def problems. i own a fleet of 9 MP8 trucks, some of them are 2009, and some 2012. that means some of them are equipped with dpf egr, and some have def too. it's been a nightmare for me to run those trucks with constant failures of dpf egr def. so what i did, and what made my business running, is i went online and found a company called ecm tuneups. their web site is http://truckecmtunes.com/ . i contacted the guy, and he is providing his service through his authorized dealers only. that didn't work for me, since i didn't want anyone to know that my trucks are deleted. i asked him can i be set as a dealer, he said yes but i would have to wire money up front for every truck i did(according to what he said all new dealers have to work like that), and i would have to buy some equipment. i bought a laptop for $250, and a nexiq adapter for $300. he installed the software for diagnostic, and did a first tune for me. after that i put a 5" hole in center of the filter, and blocked off egr (both sides he insisted on that). result was OMG good. totally different truck. more power, no regens, no derates. everything worked well. i gained apx. .9 MPG. what i am saying is, that this saved my business. this guy is hard to reach, because as i said he works with his dealers only, but with some insisting he can make you a dealer. or if you have one truck, you can just tell him your location and he will forward you to existing dealer. if you have a fleet, it is a lot cheaper to become a dealer (i saved apx.$2000 a truck because i did all the work my self, and it only takes 2hrs to do the work). i hope this message will help other guys in need.
  15. hi guys, my name is mark, i am from nh. i own a fleet of macks mp8s mostly. had a huge trouble with them, and i joined forum long long time ago, but didn't post anything. here to help fellow truckers.
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