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Everything posted by mackman1965

  1. In NYC they run those as flowboys for asphalt . If you run trailers for hire you need to have them ,the more the better. With triaxles or quad axles they are good for 40 tons . Running dump trailers for asphalt into spreader boxes seems like ages ago. That is a great looking unit. Love those Mack day cabs. Judging by the buildings in the pictures are they used for hauling farming materials?
  2. Navy sorry that you haven't heard any replies to your questions . I am a NY sand and gravel driver so I'm sorry I can't help you with any of those companies. You will find the people on this site to be very helpful with knowledge and pictures on all phases of trucking . Welcome aboard
  3. My boss has 3 superliners set up the same way with sanders.
  4. There are a couple names from the past. Lizza is still huge here in NYC with three companies. I have been doing doubles working nites for them . They are doing a lot of the milling work for the DOT in NYC and it seems like they have all the paving work on Long Island
  5. Also if you have a tag along trailer hookup on the dump truck make sure it is taken off before dumping into the asphalt spreader . It will damage the spreader . If you have never dumped into a spreader its not a bad idea to let the laborer controlling the crew know that you are new to it so he can pay more attention when you are in the box. Some of the asphalt crews can be very loud and aggressive so Concentrate on the one guy controlling the dumping of the truck usually on the drivers side rear where the truck and paver connect
  6. Any reason why the dump trailers in Chicago are so much smaller then what we run here in NYC? The obvious would be weight restrictions but even still they look small
  7. Hey saw an O&G foreman pick up truck surveying a road on LI about 30 minutes outside NYC today. I have never seen them down here working on any projects.
  8. How many are you running during the good weather ?
  9. Yeah me too . That truck has that look
  10. Beautiful truck good luck with her. Takes me back to a time when all you saw down here in NYC was R models and DMs instead of the Pete's KWs and Volvos. I would trade the KW I drive for that any day of the week. The R models and DMs were such good looking trucks
  11. I was told that was a glider. Anyway you shake it it's beautiful . Reminds me of Capobiancos truck for you LI guys circa late 80s-90s
  12. That thing is beautiful. I bet them pipes sound great
  13. No more Superliner . I have been " upgraded" to green T-800 . Not a Mack but a very good truck.The Superliner and the Granite are the last 2 Mack dump trucks left.There are 3 Superliners set up for sanding only . We have been very busy especially for December . How's things by you?
  14. Wow those Wainscot trucks are beautiful . I would trade the KW I'm driving for any one of those Granites
  15. They are trying to get the Roslyn viaduct paving done so we had 12 trucks on hire to them and 3 more on hire at the job on Glen Head Rd. The following day they took 10 trailers and 3 ten wheelers I got 27 hours over the 2 days. Tomorrow looks like a rain out
  16. I was probaly right behind the ALAC Granite in a green T-800. We did a double for them yesterday 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM on Northern Blvd and 11 hours today. I saw you guys working behind Wauldbaums . Lindleys DM is still a sharp looking truck . Not too many of them around still running everyday. I was told that was a glider
  17. Why is that ? You can get 80,000 legal on the tri axle and there are spots that don't want trailers and other spots you can't get trailers into . Different applications for different situations. My boss has been successful in this industry in NYC for 50 years running 30 or more trucks half trailer half triaxle . Having trailers, triaxles and flowboys will also cover you in all hire applications.
  18. Question for the Chicago guys how much are you allowed to carry in those dump trailers? The bodies seem small compared to the dump trailers here on LI and NYC. The tri-axle T-800 I drive is good for 80,000 with the permits . Most paving companies want you to carry at least 24 tons on a tri axle and 38-40 tons on a flowboy . Just wondering how things are done out there
  19. Yeah I saw them creeping around eastern Suffolk county on LI . They should stay up in Connecticut we got enuff scab companies down here working for nothing ruining the industry Posts: 1
  20. I was running asphalt out of a notoriously bad run down plant out east LI yesterday when the truck ahead of me a nice looking CL 10 wheeler got about a ton and a half of asphalt dumped on the hood fenders and bumper. needless to say the driver was very unhappy..
  21. Looks like one of Florence's trucks .
  22. The dump truck was/is Slattery's. I think they are going by Skanska now
  23. Funny how this industry goes . It's very busy here in NYC as well. My boss is getting calls for more trucks then he has and he has quiet a few dump trucks and trailers
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