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Everything posted by mackman1965

  1. That is one bea u ti ful Superliner. Lucky man that gets to run that every day . Good Luck with her
  2. If I remember correctly there was a low RR bridge on the direct route off the main road that you have to run around. I don't work out that way often but it is a long strait one road hike to get out there,definetly a place to avoid on Friday afternoons during the summer months
  3. it is not the last all Mack CF produced. That went to Westbury Long Island and went out of service about 5 years ago. Currently owned by a guy in PA. that collects Mack fire apparatus.
  4. They do have some nice R models. I was picking up RCA in there yard last summer on a hire job all the way out there. I found out that there are 2 Bistrain yards out there that are separately owned when I went to the wrong one on my first load
  5. In the first 10 minutes of the Prince of Tides(of course that my wife was watching) there is a NYC street scene where a roll off is dropping a box. For you NY guys it was one of the old Allied Sanitation green paint with red chassis R models . They must of had /about 100 trucks between them and Star Recycling there other company a lot of them chromed out and lit up . Now that I remember you can also see one of there steel nose r models in Goodfellas in the scene where Jimmy knocks the phone booth over.
  6. I feel the same about the weather Mike. Last Monday was the day you have to shape for the first time this season . Needless to say 3 or 4 guys are working here nd there . The weather actually looks promising this weekend into next week. Lets keep our fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone waiting to get back out there
  7. It disappeared along with a lot of great truck pictures.You Getting the red fleet ready to go for the season?
  8. Feel free to leave one of the motorcycles behind.... I'll take care of it for you. Good luck on the move . I wish I was in a position to get out of this rat race . Safe trip down
  9. Where do I sign up to drive either one all day everyday? If I had to choose I would go with the red and black one but not by much . Those are two great looking trucks
  10. Good Lord one was bad enuff but you had to go ahead and post a picture of two of those beasts. The two of them together got to weigh half a ton . They don't have feet they have hoofs
  11. Those R models look like old Commander Fuel tractors for anybody in Nassau county might remember them. They had a big terminal down in Oyster Bay
  12. Dirty or clean they are beautiful. Is Stony Point out in Suffolk?Rob thanks for posting your great pictures from Englishtown and helping to get the thread back on line
  13. As far as roll offs go the R or DMs would be a much better application. MRs are better off with rear load or front loaders
  14. I see some of the KW tractors have memorial decals on the back cab window for your cousin and Wild Bill. Danny is the steward now
  15. When I first started driving Sr. let me learn at some job sites he was working on with Strata back in the late 80 s. I left when the work went away. Came back all these years later and Jr is running things but quiet a few faces still around from the 80s
  16. hHe has a few Mack's left a couple CL tractors and 3 Superliner tri axles and a Granite.the rest are KW and Pete's . I'm pretty sure The picture of Paul's Superliner is from Englishtown
  17. Wow that is a damn shame that the NY thread is gone . I must of looked at the pictures in that thread 20 tImes having seen many of those trucks at work when I was a kid just starting to drive. I like the idea of starting another one
  18. Rob I know what you mean when you say I wouldn't run the truck like that now. I came in one morning had a 5:30 start sick as a dog the steward said what are you doing here , go home this ain't 25 years ago, we don't work like that no more
  19. I can't even catch a break with the snow. We got a mix of rain and snow with an accumulation of a couple slushy inches right now.
  20. Try doing nothing for 2 and a half weeks ...it's down right depressing. That R model is too nice to go to the exporter. Rob what's it got 300 6 speed ? I can't believe no one would buy that around NJ.
  21. Yeah see how she does without using the clutch...
  22. The Superliner I drive is 1992 and the AM/FM Stereo CD player is in the spot where you have the CB. My CB mounts on top of the center dash above the gauges being the CB wiring posts are located there., I would leave what you did alone , you have done an incredible job on this build
  23. I'm loving that red V-8 Superliner good luck with it . That tri axle dump is absolutely gorgeous also . I'm hoping my boss does some upgrades to my Superliner this winter
  24. 2Stack what is he undercutting everybody over in CT? Bryan those are the trucks for sure 5 of them running nose to tail. Just what we need down on LI another cut throat working for nothing
  25. I was working way out on the North Fork of Long Island today and saw 5 purple Granite dump trucks running together with Connecticut plates on them. Trucks were very clean and looked to be pretty new.
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