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Everything posted by mackman1965

  1. There used to be a guy around here(Long Island) that had a early 70s DM-800 from the Mid East . The gauges and writing on the dash and in the cab was in Saudi Arabian .Im sure some of the LI guys remember the company Bonel trucking. Pretty sure it was a 250 with a quad box.
  2. BK I cant tell you how many times I go on your flicker site and go thru all of the Flett pictures you have from the 60s thru the 90s. Got to be one of my favorite companies . Cats Mack's Acars all from the classic years.i know down here in the NYC Long Island area a lot of the big companies have gone out. Is Flett still operating on a major scale and can I ask where you got all them pictures from? Thanks for posting all your great pictures
  3. agreed the 2 stick 6 speed was the best construction trans made. Having the shiftable reverse gears was always a plus on job sites . My opinion is based on when and where I drove. I'm sure some of the older fellas might not fully agree
  4. my friend is real good with making die casts and I was thinking of having him paint that Tiger roll off up for the company i used to work for. Same as you did with the MR roll off which also came out great
  5. A little kit bash made from I'm guessing a granite roll off chassis and a MR packer(WM or Allied) from first gear?
  6. Peter awesome collection real great stuff. I noticed you have a good amount of roll offs and packers. I have one I didn't see in your case the Granite roll off with the the company name Tiger. I was wondering if it was a common piece or some what rare ?
  7. Although I have never met you Mike I'm sure this wont keep a tuff Philly guy like yourself down for long. I will keep you in my prayers.
  8. built NY and Long Island as well. 980 or a 966, loading Mack dump trucks or Mack tractors with Fruehauf 38 yard trailers were all you saw on job sites from the 70 s thru the early 90 s
  9. . All day everyday...... Nice find Rob
  10. Tuff looking Superliner Rob ,love the spokes
  11. . Mystic was Anchor and now are going by Logistics. Thats the latest name I see on the tractors and trailers
  12. That thing is just fucking awesome. I would love to run that everyday
  13. . C'mon now you can fit at least 4 more bucket in there.
  14. . Well said John , I couldn't make ends meet here in NY making $25.00 an hour with no benefits.. There are some companies that are not union that pay very well with some benefits but are very hard to find let alone get a job with them. Hell even with what I get from the union it's still not easy. On the same hand I don't look down on non union drivers or begrudge them for making a living. At the end of the day we are all just trying to make an honest days pay union or nonunion.
  15. . Thanks Superdog I always thought that red interior was one of the Magnum options .
  16. We have 4 older Superliners in the yard that haven't seen service in years. Cosmetically the trucks are clean inside and out and were always maintained very well. One of them has the red deluxe interior . My question is was the red deluxe interior only offered in the Magnums?
  17. that would explain them coming in empty on LI early AM and then being back early afternoon empty again. Picking up some dirty loads
  18. A &A are beyond nice. I would gladly run either one of them over anything new . That is my overall favorite body' style from any manufacture. The red looks great
  19. . Enjoy that rusty B-81 all I have is a rusty dream!
  20. Last Thursday I just finishing working nights on Sunrise Hiway about 4:15 and saw 2 of them AMV's coming in empty so they aren't running material from NJ.. I saw them again later running together again about 1:00 on Rte. 135 empty again . Not sure what they are up to
  21. I have been seeing those AMV trucks on the south shore of LI 1coming over to do what looks like hire work pretty regularly. One Mack and two Pete's or KWs. Anyone know how many trucks they run? Sharp looking trucks. Love those 2 red R models from AA Scrap ..
  22. Joey the first truck I was ever assigned in 1987 was a 1972 DM -800 no radio or A/C and I loved it. Cleaned it everyday kept it immaculate which my boss loved and as my reward it got me a 1984 RD . Still love seeing the DMs but they are getting scarce. I might see one every other day. And I too sometimes will drive with the passenger window down in my 1990 Superliner the truck I. Run these days. The boss offered me a new Volvo which I declined with a laugh
  23. . Good stuff Rob another later truck from Matchbox was a lowboy pulled by a cab over with a bulldozer. I used to hook the Ford up to the lowboy because when I was a kid I never saw a cab over pulling a lowboy . The shit you can remember
  24. damn Vision your good . That's the one. I also remember Matchbox made a Ford dump trailer in the late 70s like the newer style Matchbox that I had that was pretty nice . That's when toys were toys . Tonkas were made out of metal not like today where most are plastic
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