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Everything posted by mackman1965

  1. John I was waiting for you to post your pictures in this thread. You cant have an F model thread without these beauties..THe F model cab and the CF fire apparatus cab are just about exactly the same if you compare them. Its just how they sit on the chassis that make them different
  2. Blackdog you are 100% correct , Paul the 2 1983 Dms did not have the high bodies that the 1972's did. The 83's had longer lower bodies maybe Bristols. I can find out where they went after Horan sold them. That yard was all Mack at one time trailers and 10 wheelers. Now I think there might be 6 Superliner 10 wheelers and 1 granite and all the trailers are KW and Petes. Not sure where your DM came from but the paint colors look like Russo wrecking from over by Kennedy Airport . Pretty sure they had DMs . I think the short wheel base with the high dump body made Rizzos trucks look so big. He had a huge picture in his office with a row of DM-800s as far as you can see. In the later years the trucks that ran out of his Franklin Sq yard were all Horan R model tractors that were stretched into 10 wheelers, Good luck with your fleet of workhorses
  3. Paul those 2 Rizzo trucks were 1972s 1 went to Horan way back in the late 80s and was the very first truck I was assigned and the other one went to New York Dirt. Rizzo also had 2 1983 Dm 800s that went to Horan around the same time
  4. $65-$85 a day dont leave too much left at the end of the day when all is said and done
  5. I can attest to the people on this board being real down to earth good hearted people who would give and help and not just thru words on a computer. I was very new to this board when I lost my home and everything but 2 garbage bags of cloths to Sandy. I was offered money food cloths shelter all from a bunch of guys who didnt know me or were never in the same room with me but were good enuff to consider me a part of there community.
  6. Wow great steel nose R . The first rolloff i ever drove was a steel nose and i have loved them ever since. Thanks for sharing the other pictures as well
  7. enjoy it superdog and im with you , the past is much better then these days. that said, prayers for the people who became casulties in Boston today
  8. you can tel the FDNY tower ladders from others by the way the cabline in the jump seat area goes strait down and is not angled.
  9. The ones that my boss at the time had red interiors
  10. is it just the angle of the picture or is there some small differences in these 2 DM 800s It looks like headlight area is not the same .
  11. There is a picture of one of TS 's new Macks on the NY thread . They always had a fleet of beautiful trucks but never had Macks till recently
  12. Love the way that R model looks making the turn , Nothing special just your typical work horse Mack at work
  13. HEY Rob Centi Anni
  14. I dont know if i would call it a ring . My guess would be more along the lines of Organized as in Organized Crime.
  15. It would look good with some new red paint and A NEW DRIVER, just sayin
  16. Yes sir.. Lots of or there used to be lots of trucking companies there
  17. I drove past there yesterday and Progressive Waste has all there trucks and boxes there as well as there offices
  18. Right and after King Kullen left Waste Management of Long Island took over that property for offices and to park there roll offs, garbage trucks and boxes. as big as that place was WM still parked all there trucks outside. Now Winters Bros/IESI/Progressive Waste is in there
  19. i have this one also. I have another one as well with the ladders and aerialscopes. I sure miss our 1985 ninety five foot scope we sold 2 years ago. It was replaced by a new Seagrave with everything computerized which is a huge pain in the ass
  20. Bozzutos used to run down here on LI to the supermarkets. I remember there trucks being alot like the one in the picture plus some Superliners that were always good looking trucks
  21. I know this is probaly common knowledge but why do the V-8 Macks have that square air cleaner? And why did the regular Mack air cleaner change at some point in the seventies from the one that had like a stack with the circular piece on top to the one with out the stack piece . And to confuse me a little more if possible it seems like the high stack was used again in the late 80s on some Mack models. Something I always wondered about
  22. You hit that right on the head BKrois that red Rmodel is just about all stock and it looks great
  23. you aint kidding those Superliners are beau ti ful
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