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Chuck P

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Everything posted by Chuck P

  1. It's a shame that Nancy got all starry-eyed and got involved with an old rock star. Snippet copied from the Paul McCartney wiki page. Marriage to Nancy Shevell McCartney started dating Shevell in November 2007. She was a member of the board of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority as well as vice president of a family-owned transportation conglomerate that includes New England Motor Freight. She resigned from the MTA board in January 2012. It was announced on 6 May 2011 that the two had become engaged. On 9 October 2011 McCartney and Shevell were married at Old Marylebone Town Hall where his first wedding took place in 1969. The couple attended Yom Kippur synagogue services prior to the wedding, out of respect for Shevell's Jewish faith, but did not seek a religious blessing for their union. Upon their marriage, Shevell became Lady McCartney. McCartney wrote the song "My Valentine", from his 2012 album Kisses on the Bottom, about Shevell. She is a cousin of broadcast journalist Barbara Walters.
  2. I snapped this pic a few years back at the H&K open house in PA. I thought it was so cool! To be #2 on this list is a heck of an achievement.
  3. This pic was taken from Autocar Trucks 1950-1987 Photo Archive. Note that the picture was printed in REVERSE.
  4. I agree, awesome fleet and it's cool that they make the trip to Macungie on what seems like a regular basis. What a neat way to present the progression of super clean Mack trucks. I had a chance to chat with them at Gerhart's last year and they seemed like a swell bunch of guys.
  5. Never heard of the "shark truck". I remember seeing him at Etown Raceway Park as a kid. The Bandag recapper people were there in full force. He would leave the timing tree for a 1/4 mile run .... haul ass just to about the 1/8 mile mark and stand on the brakes. The next thing that happened totally blew my mind. He would crank the wheel hard left and start doing 360's in the middle of the track until you couldn't see him for the tire smoke. He always brought the crowds to their feet and put on a great show. What a showman!
  6. Allow me to assist. These shots were taken at Raceway Park Diesel Drags in 2012 when it had a proper motor and a shot with the long hood closed.
  7. This truck is so cool on so many levels. Super deep radiator with "V12 Bumper", dual Farr breathers (1 for each blower), extended hood AND extended cowl.
  8. Looks like it came off of this truck. I wonder what happened to the rest of it. It's an early hood.... pre-marker light but it looks like they added their own.
  9. Another great show with great weather. Too much to see in one day!
  10. A few more taken at Gerhart's 2018. Two from Tackaberry and a Blair.
  11. my pic from 2018 Metro Jersey show in Augusta, NJ
  12. I was thinking the same thing. Extra bar in the grille and step under door means V12 power inside.
  13. Color pic when new from the interweb.
  14. The pic in the original post and Swishy's pics all show the V8-powered crackerboxes. You can make out the V8 Diesel logo on the access flap.
  15. I had to take a second look at the white Autocar oilfield rig. I thought it was a Clariben replacement hood but I think it's an honest-to-goodness real S-Series. The "A" logo at the hood peak and grab handle were the tip off. Year is hard to pin down because of the square blinkers. Not many pics of these trucks exist. To add to the confusion, see the pic below.
  16. My pics from Gerhart's in 2009.
  17. Great sound but why is he dropping so many gears with an empty lowboy?
  18. I remember seeing the R tanker and talking with the owner of that fine piece of equipment. I believe he had other trucks there as well (yellow C-model?)
  19. I could see how this could be a little confusing. He actually got pretty far along the bikepath before the 670 onramp got him.
  20. That truck was perfect! He fired that old Lanova up and just let it idle for a few minutes. It purred like a kitten.
  21. My pic of the green dump taken in 2013. I drove a 61 LCF 70 rollback from NJ to Cape Charles, Virginia as a kid. It had the big six and a 4 speed and 2 speed rear on disc wheels. It was a good riding truck but boy did that thing use oil.
  22. Yes, it was way too much to take in for one day and the weather was spectacular. There can't be that many non-offset LM's around. The only other one that comes to mind is the big red LMSW oilfield truck in Upstate NY. I had heard that this truck was recently discovered and is back with its original family. This was its maiden show and it had a prime location. Awesome piece of equipment!
  23. This truck belongs to a fellow Metro Jersey club member. The info tag is mislabeled. Check out the grill badge!!!!☺️
  24. They know exactly what they have. How many do you see restored at shows?
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