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Chuck P

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Everything posted by Chuck P

  1. I like version 2 as well.... now put the blinker on top.
  2. The top truck is "Little Henry". The little brother to "Big Henry" just above. The black one is the same truck with minor updates.
  3. My pic from W Springfield '12 Convention. Boy did I get soaked that Saturday! It had spokes and regular mirrors back then.
  4. I remember seeing the AP-19 at the Greensboro National Convention that coincided with Autocars"s 100th anniversary. That truck was massive. I found this shot on the web from that event.
  5. Same truck at Metro Jersey Chapter Show. Beautiful rig!
  6. Here is a shot I took when I went to their open house last Fall. What an awesome display of trucks and machinery.
  7. Axle detail. This thing is a beast! From Lititz '07.
  8. My pic from the back taken in '06.
  9. Those GMCs had a face only a mother could love but they got the job done.
  10. That's pretty neat to see. It looks like the RT35 ramp that feeds RT9 South in South Amboy. That's tight for a 53 footer.... I could only imagine negotiating that setup down the ramp.
  11. Looking great Bob! Hope to see you guys soon at a club meeting or show.
  12. Great shot Jim. Post up a pic of their long hood Jimmy if you have it. If not I can supply one.
  13. L.G. Almony has a fleet done up with the "Western Star" wings. Beautiful trucks! https://www.facebook.com/LGAlmony/
  14. Looks like the driver has the A/C on full blast by the looks of the front windshield. My guess is circus tent erector.
  15. Captured at Gerhart's in '07.
  16. Where did this beauty wind up? Captured at Gerhart's in 2010.
  17. I wonder if any survived with the pancake 12. Very innovative for the time.
  18. I hope you don't mind if I add a few. Two with patina from Gerhart's and a hard-nose from Automatic Switch in NJ.
  19. Some oldies but goodies in that bunch,,,, all round headlights!
  20. I found this pic on the internet and the paint scheme looks pretty darn close to the Eckstein truck. Sorry for the poor quality. Does anyone in Central PA know this unit? I thought it was an awesome tribute if that was the intention.
  21. Great to see a lot of those rigs go to a good home. I've got to get down there this Summer and check them out in person.
  22. Hi navy I vaguely remember the Herms name as a kid. Most of the truckers that pulled out of Trenton could have pulled a wide variety of loads from any of the following: Congoleum, American-Standard, Hill Refrigeration, Roebling Steel (CF&I), Homasote, Thermoid, Stokes and Goodall Rubber, etc. Trenton was a major industrial hub and their clay and pottery factories were known throughout the globe. A dad of a good friend of mine worked early on at Shein's Express. He would later drive a tanker for Sunoco making 2 trips a day from Willow Grove, PA to Seaside Hts, NJ until he retired. I recall working at my first paying job and getting freight deliveries from AAA's B-Model macks well into the late '80s. Granted they were only short runs from Quakerbridge Road to Cranbury but it was still cool to see those old black and orange Macks.
  23. This old B-77 spent it's glory years in a CT museum that has since closed. Found this recent ad in Truck Paper. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=5520787
  24. Congrats! I started with a "B" license when I first started with Penske Truck Leasing many years ago. I was hired to move rental units (straight trucks) from different facilities. I moved up to bobtailing which required an "A" license. Penske would let me practice moving 48 & 53' box vans in their yard. The hardest part was moving the pups, they were a PITA. When the time came for the driving test they offered me a Class "A" driver to accompany me and a daycab Freightshaker hooked to a 48' flatbed. The test was a walk in the park! Good luck and get practice with your pre-trip and dock backing.
  25. Your aunt work in Green Hills? I went there a few times to pick up new units and the shop was so clean you could eat off of the floor. They also kept Roger's personal cars there under covers as well.
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