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Everything posted by tg2692

  1. I'm pretty sure the milan mack is for sale from a broker in PA.
  2. I believe it is. If you go to ccnyfireapparatus.net I think you can find a contact number.
  3. Actually, we still have a few of them kicking around. The first picture is Milan's old Mack, when it was replacing a 1966 Ford Fire engine in 1990. The next two are also 1990's. Millerton 51-13, and Standford 65-13 are the last two that are still in service from that era. Dutchess County, New York, for the longest time had a full on MACK ATTACK for a very long time. The Truck that is the wrong color, was just taken out of service, and the last two, are still in service In Milan, New York.
  4. I think I might have one for you.
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