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theakerstwo last won the day on January 16 2022

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About theakerstwo

  • Birthday 12/16/1944


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    mounds okla

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    Working on trucks and dunp trucking
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Community Answers

  1. I have never seen a 711 with the screen in the pan.The screen pans was used on engines that did not have full flow oil filter but a by/pass filter .I think all 711 engines used the big full flow filter.But the pans would bolt up on a 711 from a 673.
  2. The way to pull that engine is pull rocker shafts off and us a tab welded to a chain with a hole thru the two tabs and put under two head bolt nuts at the middle.The trans need to be mounted in the frame first.I and many old timers have did this for years.Trying to keep the trans on the engine and installing at once is too dangerous and its heavy.By lifing from the middle of the engine you can balance the angle of the engine as its stabed on the trans.
  3. I installed one of these in one of my trucks few years back.Mine was for 44000 and its heavy.no way you will wear it out.
  4. For teeth you could save some money if you go to the funeral home and buy teeth from them.
  5. I have said for years that you can get more braking from rolling the windows up and holding both doors open.But i like them better than jakes for shifting because they are faster.
  6. I had a RW that was doing same thing.I used some steel wool on the sensor and that stopped that.I dont know if it was the cleaning or if it was a bad connection on the sensor plug/in.
  7. Thats what i was trying to say.
  8. i wear hearing aids also.I was around too many DD engines when i was young and now all the hearing aids do for me now is make ever thing i cant understand louder.
  9. I have seen a few 71 but have never seen a single 53. I have seen 3 4 51 engines. A 51 series has no valves in the head.
  10. I remember when most all road trucks had a DD or cummins or a mack for power.Cat was not in the game till later.I remember here when the cat dealer still had a 4000 white that they had installed a cat engine in it.I would say this happened maybe in the later 50s.But i remember seeing it in 65.
  11. The reason we see so much equipment with a DD engine is back then they would make a engine work in anything that need a Diesel engine.If you think about it Diesel was new to the public.
  12. John Deer used a DD engine also.
  13. That the reason i need hearing aids now.I remember pulling the exhaust manifolds off of DD and looking for a smoke problem many times and one time the noise knocked a clock off the wall ten ft away.
  14. That makes you wish you was still in a truck again.
  15. This engine came from the factory with 20 head bolt studs but did not use the maxidyne head gasket with steel sealing rings so it had head gasket problems.The update was to use a manidyne liner and cut the sealing grooves in the heads and to use the head gaskets with the steel sealing ring.I remember this like it was yesterday.Also the injector pop off pressure was higher than ever and then they had fuel line ends fretting and leaking.Yes the L in that model means alumin flywheel housing.
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