If you post some good sound advise then that's ok and helpfull but I see so much posting of could it be this and I think it this and my brother has a friend that knew a guy that used this for a fix so who is helped by this.There is some good advise on here but again so much of I not a mechanic but I think you could do this.There is some good dealer tecks on here that don't post but very little.No wonder cause when you get ten answers and only one makes sense who out there knows who is right or wrong.So much of the posting Is, go replace this part instead of asking a man to do some testing.You see it all of the time some one has told some one who is serious about a problem and he gets to here some on say replace this and he ends up spending much money cause he thinks you guys are experts.I have been around along time and I can tell you if I was to replace a lot of parts by guessing instead of some test and it did not solve the problem that man who owns that truck would be rightfuly put out with me.Any problem needs to be tested first unless you see its broken and hanging down before you start to buy parts.Then some times it hard to be right the first time.But some of you guys start out like its a guessing game not know that some one may go out and buy parts not needed.That who be like me guessing when you should plant your corn not knowing were you live and you start to listen to me.Another reason why some of these tech don't post more is if you asking a question and you hear ten different fixs and two techs that has been doing this for a living looks at this and says why bother because that man who ask for help don't know me from all of the other posted fixes.
Don't get me wrong I like reading all post and like this forum better than any others cause we can talk about any thing or any one.This is not to hurt non of you but to enlighten you.f its not helpfull say so.