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Everything posted by theakerstwo

  1. The flywheel is not balanced to the crank on either engine.I think the E7 will work on the E6. I have both engines and they take same rear seal so the dia is same on the rear journal. The E7 has a dowel on the crank just to time the flywheel for the timing marks.The bolt pattern is same and the E6 has timing marks on the front. glenn
  2. Here is the way to set valves on a 673 and manual will show it. Turn engine and i always jack one wheel up and put trans in high gear and have some one bump the wheel over when cold and set watching mating cyl and valve over lap. As exhaust valve closes and intake just starts to open is top dead center so its mating cyl is ready. ! and 6 is mating 2 and 5 3 and 4 is mating. Firing order is 153624. Specs is same as all six cyl makes.
  3. Thats what i say. I would wait till it needs a rebuild.The cores if they are bad is were the cost comes in. glenn
  4. Your going to have to find some one with some old parts info like Rick Harper may know.
  5. you got it right.
  6. now there is some good sound advice.
  7. Its all about how many votes he can save before we fire him.
  8. http://www.roadranger.com/ecm/groups/public/@pub/@eaton/@roadranger/documents/content/ct_062746.swf
  9. Free phones http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/09/27/where_obama_phones_come_from_explained.html#.UGZ5HqP0Zi0.facebook
  10. I think hes the devil him self.Why would so many people want him over the other guy which may be or may not prove out but we will have to see. Ant thing is better than what we have.This is one of the most ungody men i have see in the goverment any were and i am thinking of what he will do to us when he can.I belive when the people stop serving God then the end times will be here. This means to me the devil dont care whos in office.I am saying the people in the most part uses God only when they need him.Times have changed so much in favor or the devil that i believ its time now.Hard to belive ant it.It has to happen some time if you believ the word of God. glenn
  11. I think your right it ant going to help to complain but some day these children and grand children cant say we did nt try to save their country. We owe them more than we can ever give. My grand kids is going to remenber me as some one that would have if he could have.The white house liberals have given free stuff out to so many that i think this evil man will get back in.He care nothen about the laws of our country. But he is what so many wanted.To me this tells me how easy the people will acept the antichrist. Thru greed and free struff and alowing the law breaker to break more laws and be rewarded for it.
  12. Thats the best way to find out instead of taking some ones word. glenn
  13. Also old fuel can make one smoke.I over hauled a 8V92 one time to find out he still had some fuel in it that came from south of the border.
  14. The E6 heads have American threads in the bolt holds. The E7 has metric threads in the bolt holes but valves and guides and seats are same.
  15. first find out whats wrong with the old woman then go from there.
  16. Sounds to me like some one cant time the pump. The guy that installed the pump is who you need to talk to.He may notnknow how so he may not be able to help you.
  17. There is no way to get the Mexican to change their minds. He is going to start on the young people next. glenn
  18. i remenber the twin turbo 864 but cant remenber which fuel pump it had but i think it still had the PSM pump.
  19. To hi or too low or if the ujoint angles are off the joints will be hurt and maybe the trans to. Get the ride height from mck and set just like it should be and no more and no less.
  20. I am like all of you it makes me sick and we owe our children more than what they are facing but i think its like in the bible when they was having trial for Christ. The people wanted Barrabis to be set free instead of the Lord knowing he had not did ant thing wrong. The same people or type of people are still with us and you could see them at the convention screaming for Barabis.This is what happens when you take and start to give away free stuff. The ungodly will come out. Just think about it what obama gas done to this country and they i think are enough people reseving free stuff that they have a change to get him back.If i was a Mexican that had been given a new country with free ever thing and a job like i never have had before i would vote for him to. http://ppjg.me/2010/03/30/required-rfid-implanted-chip-sec-2521-pg-1000-the-government-will-establish-a-national-medical-device-registry/ Here is the first obama care bill the deocrates tryed to get passed over night before any one read it. This sec of it shows that they were going to pass it and in about 6 months make us have the chip implaned into us before we get any heath care. The GOP made them tahe that out and sighed it in to law in march of 2010. We was sold down the river by it but as they said they could not hepl it. The democrates have been trying to get us under control even under the clintons.I am say with all of the people knowing this obama still was elected and i cant see no one removing him even by a election. This is a devil working under the direct control of devil.Its just time for the prophecy to be full filled that we have studed for so long. Man cant stop that but maybe we can slow it down for a time.Obama used democrates to get what he wanted. They to will be on the short end of the stick when he double crosses ever one.I say its for you and me to understand how people will suck this antichrist in here when he apears on the earth.People will want him and be fooled by him not knowing they to will be hurt.This is real as God is.Why cant we believe it going to happen some time and i say it here now.If the white house democrates had their way in the first part of 2013 we would be with the chip in our body and we would not be a problem to them. Talking about a uprizing i think the white house is expecting it cause two times now this year they have ordered millions rounds of 40 calibrate hollow point pistol rounds and also tanks riot gear and all kinds of clothing and road check points stations with our money. I dont think our army will be the ones using it as much as the mulsims he will be hauling in here in the future if he is elected.Another thing i dont think the antchrist cares if it a democrate or republican but who is in power at the time. I thinbk my self he had already started to work with Bush before he was out.The devil just dont care who is in. Yes Rommey may be another one who is guilded by the devil.Just my 2 cents and dont mean to hurt any one but the devil him self glenn
  21. Before you pull any thing else off with some one on the crank with a wrench trying to turn it and with it in the locked position flee of each rod and see if it has any side play. If its a cyl locked then when its at the lock postion the cyl at fault will be locked enough to were no slack in the rod brg.If its a cyl locked then pull the rockers off and see if all valve come up to close postion.
  22. Years ago at the dealer i worked at we had a tub of black grease sitting in the corner that would hold the lifter all day but have never found grease after that like this.
  23. That will work but remenber to take mirrows off first.
  24. http://ppjg.me/2010/03/30/required-rfid-implanted-chip-sec-2521-pg-1000-the-government-will-establish-a-national-medical-device-registry/ Read this This is in the obama care heath bill and has been in it. Your going to accept the chip it you get heath care.
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