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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Ok got to post two pictures and now it won't let me again. What do I do? Lol
  2. Saw this pic on one of the tanker pages on Facebook. Not sure who took the picture.
  3. I don't really know what I'm doing lol, but I think I went to where you were talking about and it say I have lots of room. Now if I deleted pics from this file would it delete them from this post?
  4. It won't let me post anymore pictures
  5. Ok i just start posting pics and this pops up. what does this mean?
  6. Finally got to load next to him in Peru this spring.
  7. And Snake just sold this last week. I don't know the guys name but think he lives in St Charles and is in the ATHS club
  8. I haven't been on here in a long time cause I keep forgetting my password and it logs me out all the time. I liked the old layout better. It would take me to long to explain everything about what's going on in the Chicago area construction, but let's just say you will be seeing even more junk trucks. When I started my business in '04 it was for construction. In the last few years I've branched off with other things but alway did construction for about 3 months in the summer. As of right now I sold my 1/4 frame and my belt trailer and pretty much done with construction. Lots of my friends and I have decided it's just not worth it anymore. Lots of good guys getting out of the business. No work, rates getting cut, beating up your truck and the final straw is the union. They have decided that since they need more money they want to charge us $600-$800 a week now and the companies are not giving us anymore money. Heck, Curran has even lowered their rate $6.50hr since the beginning of the year. It's just not worth it when you can't even get 40hrs a week. Lots of other stuff also, but I can't type that much. I really did enjoy my time in construction and do miss it, but unless things change I won't be going back. I still have the short bus though. My '83 Hilbilt frameless. I will have to go through some of my pics I have taken and start posting again.
  9. A friend of mine told me they are coming out with a new CHU also. Idk when, but all he could do was confirm it and they can't talk about it.
  10. That is the place. It's at Laraway and Patterson across from Waste Management. The days are numbered there though. I guess they just rent the land from Waste Management and whenever Waste Management needs the land they will push us out. It's almost all contaminated dirt from the city and a solid flow of trucks keeps coming in the dump. We were originally told that this fall might be the last season for us to haul out of there, but now they are saying we should be able to for a couple more years.
  11. Got some good pics loading at our plant in Joliet.
  12. Meet this Superdog pulling a tank on 80 and Ridge Rd. It was an older gentleman driving and he kept up with the program. He zigded and zagged with Me around traffic and kept up doing 75mph. I see him pulling a flatbed now. Petermack knows the story of this truck.
  13. Got these pics of the Hager Superdog from my friend BJ. I told him I need some better ones, lol It's cool that he's pulling an Axle Trailer.
  14. I'm back!!! Lol Finally got my password reset. Hopfully now they don't change the page format again.
  15. I have a '12 CHU with a Mdrive and I'm not too sure how much I like it. It's great in traffic, but there are times when it starts shifting crazy. And I have noticed when it's in performance mode it's not kicking out on its own, you have to manually kick it out. There are times I'm in neutral and when I hit the drive button it doesn't go int gear right away. And I've had the dealer look at it and put the updated software in. It has little over 400,000 miles. I'm thinking it might end up being a problem. On top of some of the other stuff that has been going wrong with it, I'm thinking I might start looking for an older truck to rebuild and stay away from the newer trucks.
  16. I don't think it's gonna be a good year.
  17. What is the twisted sister?
  18. Cause people are lazy. I see many by me that have power side roll or power cable systems and they never use them. You should use it all the time!!! One for keeping debri from coming off and two for fuel mileage. Only time mine is open is when I'm getting loaded. Run with it empty and you won't have as much air drag.
  19. I got rid of my '98 CH last year and got a '12 CHU as a very expensive experiment. There are a couple of things I like better like the longer cab depth and how quite it is, but that's about it. Especially after I found out that it will cost me almost $900 to replace my radio cause with all this stupid computer module stuff it's hooked to the computer of the truck and you can supposedly not wire in an aftermarket one. and now with the E-Logs I will def have a pre '00 before that begins.
  20. I would say most of the time I try and get them they never have the kit. Always have to get them individually. And now the stupid thing with the MP8 motors all the filters are the same color. And they don't come plastic warped. Just have this stupid black plastic cover over the open end and it comes off before you put it in the box.
  21. what a great looking truck!!!! That is so awesome that it is still around and still owned by the original owner. So the U actually came out before the R? Are there any books that go through they whole history of all the R, U and DM models?
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