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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. That's a beautiful R model!!!!
  2. Did you get my private message Storkmack?
  3. I've never seen these trucks before. Where do they run?
  4. I might have on to rent if you need one right away. I'm sure the Mdrive will be the way to go. I think I just need to try it some more and get out of my head that the Allison is the best one out there. I forgot that this truck was original bought to pull a dump. I know the guy the owned it before me brother owns an asphalt plant somewhere by St Louis, but I'm just guessing he pulled a long dump cause it didn't have an air tailgate in the cab. So I'm guessing he didn't do much off road. Now I know they wouldn't put the Mdrive in a Granite cause they said it wasn't made for heavy abuse, but they just came out with the Mdrive HD for the Granite and they have had the Ishift in the Volvo VHD for a long time.
  5. Well, the dealer kinda lied to me about how the truck was spec'd out. They said they just went off what the guy who traded it in told them. It was suppose to have the overdrive version with 3.7, but it actually has the direct drive with 2.64 . I didn't find that out till I looked into it more. I wasn't too happy, but I guess I will live with it for now. I don't do much off road work so I'm crossing my fingers it will be alright. There are lots of people that are running around with over the road trucks doing construction and one of my friends actually orders his KW with I think 3.08 for construction, cause he runs lots of highway miles doing it. I still can't give you an honest view of how the transmission is. I only put about 5,000 miles on it at the end of fertalizer season in Nov and haven't driven it since. I'm courious to see how it works pulling the dump and belt. It was hard getting use to how it shifts, it goes for fuel economy so it short shifts a lot. You can put it in performance mode to get it to shift higher. The hill assist drives me crazy at times. It will go on even in a slight incline. So I'm already thinking I'm gonna have to turn that off when off road. I have been told you have to watch it when it is snowing out or icy, cause the trans will downshift when coming to a stop and sometimes make you lose control. I was told in those situations to put it neutral. I really wanted an Allison, but those are so hard to find used and I really didn't want to spend even more money and buy new. Otherwise it was really nice being able to drive through Yorkville in bumper to bumper traffic and eat my lunch. I was hoping the fuel milage was gonna be better. My '98 has 427 Mack 13spd 4.17 gears and was getting better mpg then the new truck with 445C Mdrive 2.64 gears. And I was told the 445c is the motor to get for the power and fuel economy. It does take off really quick from the stop lights, but still has some hesitation between shifts, not like the Allison.
  6. That's why u hate to get rid of my '98 427 Mack 13 spd, but don't need two trucks and it needs some work.
  7. WOW!!!!!! Now that is AWESOME!!!!! And the funny part was I was just telling him how you guys bought a new one with Mdrive like I just bought and then we saw your '97 CH. Fingers crossed we have as good of luck with our new emissions trucks.
  8. So I rode with a friend of mine to drop his daughter off at O'hare today. On our way back we were WB on 90 and as we approached 53 my friend said "there goes a Stark truck over us" So we drive a couple of mins and then he starts laughing and says "oh shit!!!! Starks on our asses now" lol We let him by and I tried getting a good pic, but my phone is so slow that I couldn't get a close up.
  9. I'm thinking you might be right. It does make sense why they wanted a tanker hooked to it.
  10. I was talking to one of my cousins today and he was telling me about a poster that his brother was in and I was wondering if anyone on here has seen it before. He can't remember much about it and his brother passed away in '93 so we can't get any info from him. I guess it was done for the Chicago Bears in '86 after they won the Super Bowl. He remembers that they wanted a Mack truck so they contacted his brother, but for some reason it was hooked to a tank and they never pulled tank for work. Just Van trailers. all he remembers about the poster was it was taken in a dark ally and it had the Bears logo on it. He has no idea what the promotion was for. if anyone knows what this poster was I would love any info on it.
  11. That is awesome to see. Just like back in the day, a Mack pulling a Hilbilt dump.
  12. I knew they were gonna be changing stuff around, but they have been talking about that for years. Though I was hoping Daryl was right and that they were not gonna be putting a wheel wash in.
  13. Not sure if any of you are on Facebook, but this is a page I belong to and they are trying to get more people to join. Even though it says "dump trucks" it's anythig to do with construction. I think I've posted the most Mack pictures on there. I know you guys have a boat load more then me that other people would get a kick out of.
  14. Sycamore? Tenah said they were gonna get a new one but was prob gonna be a Pete.
  15. My '74 DM was on that hook also.
  16. What is their average gross?
  17. Shoot!!!! I forgot that was this week. I've gone with BJ the last couple of years. Though I'm out of town and couldnt go anyways. Is anyone going to Louisville? I'm gonn try and make it.
  18. That's too funny. I think they would go home crying. Lol
  19. I know it's not Chicago, but saw these cool Macks with Red River belt body's on them like my belt trailer instead of dump boxes. They were paving a parking lot across from the office for the condo units we were checking into in Orlando FL. I went over and talked to them. They were very nice, but they were company drivers so they didn't know much about owner operators. It was funny though. I asked him if they ever use semis for paving. He laughed and said, oh no. These parking lots are too small for them. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him we do it all the time, and some parking lots are smaller then that one, lol
  20. Never feel bad a ought posting pictures or taking about the truck. I love seeing all the pics I can. I just wish I took more back in the day of my DMs. That is a sharp truck and I'll have to keep a look out for it. Though I don't get up that way too often.
  21. That is gonna really suck!!!!! That might make me switch to the dark side. And then I can get a glider.
  22. I think Plote's iconic steam tractor is cool, but think it's funny cause they didn't start until I think '64
  23. I would love to see a R model book, hopefully sooner then later!!!! And I think the die cast would be great. Maybe R get it going so we could have them for next Christmas.
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