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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Thanks for the info. I tried finding anything about it on the Internet, but came up with nothing. I figured it should be up for a redesign soon since the basic cab has been around since '89 or '90.
  2. Looks great!!!! Do you have to put a seal coat over it? I also thought about having mine airbrushed.
  3. I'm happy you found what you were looking for. And it's great to see another one saved.
  4. Thanks Al. My friend was gonna try an find out, cause he was wondering if they were going to get more Petes or he heard a rumor they might have been testing some Cats out in North Dakota.
  5. Word on the street is Plote bought some new 6 wheelers, mixers and semis. I'm trying to find out if they bought Macks or not. Haven't heard back from any of my contacts yet.
  6. Any info on what the new trucks are gonna be like?
  7. Superior use to be connected with Rockford Mack. The trucks he had were actually theirs. Not sure if he is affiliated anymore now that CIT took over. And as far as I knoe Axle is still Mack certified, but didn't know they sold trucks. I remember when I first started 10 years ago you would see a lot of small truck repair shops that had the "Mack Certified" signs. I don't think their are many around anymore. And does anyone know what the story is with Nagel buying Axle Equipment? I was told they only made like 4 trailers after they bought them and then just stopped. Obviously they are great trailers cause there are still so many of them on the road. I would eventually love to find one in really good condition. Plus has anyone heard the rumor that Nagel had two brand new R models sitting in one of his buildings.
  8. You are correct. Prob the nicest and cleanest disposal trucks around. Even their rear discharge garbage trucks had polished aluminum. What a shame to see. And tell you the truth I really haven't seen many of them running around anymore.
  9. When I had my old DM 6 wheeler the Rochelle Disposal guys use to always wave to me. The one time I was actually bringing in contaminated dirt into their dump and I heard two of the guys talking on the CB about me "there is that Rossi truck that looks just like ours" lol Then is also have Waste Management trucks waving to me thinking I was a Rochelle Disposal truck. Those trucks use to be always clean and polished, though I think they have stopped taking care of them.
  10. That's about the only time you want to be downtown, lol. Awesome pics!!!! That's cool to say you were there. I still remember I was pissed cause my broker never offered me to haul the dirt out of Wrigley Feild think it was around '07. He told me that he knew I didn't want to work out of town, let alone go to Chicago as long as Curran had work. I told him, I would have made an exception one day to say I worked at Wrigley Feild, lol One of the guys that was there said people were trying to climb on the trucks to get some of the dirt. Now it wasn't a Plote job, but I heard that Plote had them haul the dirt to one of their sites and was gonna sell the dirt to Cubs fans. Not sure if that ever happened or not.
  11. Curran still has the McHenry plant and they are actually going to open it up this year. They were gonna sell it but ended up keeping it. As of right now that plant has more work on the books for this year then DeKalb does. And they still own they gravel pit across from Meyers old pit in Harvard. The one they took over from Merryman, not sure how to spell it. I think they only hauled sand out of there for about two weeks two years ago and maybe one or two days this last year.
  12. I need one for my front yard!!!!
  13. Well I guess the were right side up. I just bought a '12 with 445 and M drive direct with 2.64. It's not a bad Trans, but wish I held put for the Allison. It does not shift as smooth and pulling the tank I notice. And it's hard to get use to the shift points. Though others I talk to love the TRANS. I'll have to wait and see how I like it pulling the dump and belt trailer.
  14. Yes, 1st gear ratio is lower with the direct drive. So is reverse. Sorry that it is sideways
  15. When I sold them mine in the fall of '04 they had some fairly new RD 6 wheelers. They told me that they were gonna paint my old '74 to match their trucks and then put some extensions on the box to haul more. They were not gonna plate it or insure it. They were just gonna use it as an on site truck and just move it with their low boy.
  16. I found some pictures of my '98 DM 690S. This was my second 6 wheeler. I sold this back in '09. A municipality from IN bought it and was gonna turn it into a plow truck. I guess they decided to buy two used trucks instead of one brand new one. I didn't take many pictures back then. I know I have some others somewhere I'll try and find. Hopefully I can find the pics of my first 6 wheeler, '74 DM. I might try and stop by DW Nelson and see if they still have it.
  17. Now that would be interesting to see.
  18. I rember those posts, but I guess I didn't put two and two together to think it was that truck. I was wondering this fall when I drove by there what happened to that truck. My one friend use to haul with those two Superdogs back in the day. Not many big horse motors running around back the and he said those two were tuned up a little. He said they would just fly around everyone and if someone would try and pass them they would ask, is that all you got and then drop the hammer. Lol
  19. Yes, it is very nice. I don't see it too often, bit it always looks good. I would love that truck.
  20. Also forgot I took these pics of a new Granite at CIT a few weeks ago. And a Nissen Granite.
  21. Saw this at CIT Rockford today. Not much room to take a good picture. Then I went to Road Ranger to get something to drink and saw him on the road. To bad I didn't know he was picking the truck up. I could have waited and gotten some good pics.
  22. I thought it was an "all Mack" show, but as long as there are cool old trucks there I think it would be fun. Too bad I didn't have time to go to all of them, lol Well if anyone from IL is thinking about going we should fig out about maybe all going together. I have a Windstar that would be good to take out there. As for trailer tires, I've been spending the extra money and putting virgin steers on the trailers and they seem to work great. I'd have to look next week when I get back to the shop to see what they are. Can't really remember. I deal with a guy from Jack's tires, think it I'm Rosco. He just brings them down to our shop for us. For us doing mostly asphalt paving and cranking the trailers all over the place the deep tread and thick ply count works great. Or like what I'm gonna do this year is take my virgin drives that are only 1 1/2 seasons old and put them on the dump and put new virgin drives on the tractor. I don't pull the dump that much anymore since I got the belt so fig might as well not put brand new ones on it.
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