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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. The Hintzsche's Superdog I took last year and forgot I had the pic. Not sure if it's still around. The R model I took this week.
  2. Yes, it's the Hedrickson Haulmax. I've heard it's really good, but I guess since all the other plow trucks they have, mostly Internationals, have the same style they wanted to stick with it.
  3. Saw a Dimond R model at Elburn today. And then we got done early so I went to check out the new Granite MHD that DeKalb County Highway Department just got in. They ordered two but one of them had problems on the way out here so it had to go back. They are thinking the computer went bad already, not a good sign. They have to wait till that one comes back before they both get sent to Monroe for the rest of the equipment. Prob won't be till Febuary before they are done. Has the Cummins engine with Allison automatic. Kinda wired that the windsheild washer fluid resivoir is on the back of the cab. The filter under the cab will be a pain to change once ther have the liquid tank put on. Not to sure how all the electronics for the emissions are gonna hold up being that close to the ground and the side wing.
  4. Peter Baker R model at Vulcan Sycamore today. I'm sure he knew his picture was getting taken when the flash went off, lol
  5. I've only been to Vulcan McCook once. And that was back in '04 with my first 6wheeler, a '74 DM. I said I will never go back, lol
  6. I was wonder if that's where you were. I hauled some shale out there from Larson's
  7. So no more print issues?
  8. Thought this Christiansen RD was an old DW&IJ truck, but then I looked closer and it is a 2004 Legend Edition. For some reason I always thought they only came in black. I'm not too sure what all the extras are for that package.
  9. Lol, I always wondered if people could notice if I was trying to take pictures. That's a sweet ride. What motor is in it? I couldn't scope it out too much cause I was trying to take the picture, but is it spring or air ride?
  10. Not sure who's trucks these are. Not enough time to take the picture and try and look at the same time, lol The Superdog had a bunk on it and looked in great shape from what I could see. Then I missed out on getting a pic of a really sweet red Superdog day cab pulling a flatbed turning off 38 to go south on 23
  11. I have a '98 with 427 and Mack 13 with 4.17 rears. Mine is a freakin dog, though I know it needs some work. I've had the rack run and injectors and still a dog. It has a really lumpy idle and someone told me the cam might be worn. I plan on getting a new truck this winter and don't want to spend the money seeing if it is the cam. Mine doesn't blow that much smoke though.
  12. I always tell them, I'm not that great of a driver, but those dumb ass brokers make me look like a rock star That's why I love being one of the first trucks loaded in the morning. I usually don't have to deal with them till I lap them. Scotty B is awesome!!!! I don't get to work with him much, but he is funny. I still remember the first time I met him last year doing some dirt work for on 90. He was pretty much calling us prima donna asphalt haulers cause we were bitching about how bad the job site was. He agreed with me that it was a job for Brown R, lol. They he laughingly said, "don't worry, you will be back on asphalt tomorrow." Ask him how he got that dent in his pickup truck, lol Where was that picture middle picture taken with the windmills in the background?
  13. Just wanted to say, PeterMack, you were doing a fine job of driving up and down 72 today. It was hard for me to stay awake while it took me 3 hrs to get that last load off. Lol
  14. I was in the paver and I know they are not the greatest pictures, but this is DeKalb Township's Granite.
  15. Now that you mention that I don't think I have gotten one in a long time. They use to have a location on the website to look up the magazine but I don't even see it on there
  16. I got some pics today, but missed out on some good ones cause I was in the road widener and could get the phone fast enough. One if the ones I missed was an old Celli RB and a pretty decent blue R model. Though got a Peter Baker R and then an oversized load at 23 and 72
  17. That's not what I wanted to hear, but I figured it would still be messed up. That's why I try to start between 1 and 2am and I can usually cycle it right and miss most of the traffic. If I know it will be too crazy I just go out of my way 80 west to 39 north. Little bit more miles but at least you can set the cruse and just go. I was really pissed last spring. They did a cross cut over night and didn't fill it in good with asphalt and it was a couple inches low. Even though I was only doing 30mph, I ended up cracking a spring. It was prob gonna eventually crack anyways, but it still pissed me off.
  18. Is that 47 through Yorkville? If so, that's not a good sign. I have to run up and down there 3 times a day during fertilizer season and was hoping they would be done with the south section.
  19. I know it's not a Mack, but this is what I saw when I pulled in the yard this morning. Jose parked the truck last night empty where they fill it up with water, then with the rain over night the ground gave away.
  20. Couple of 6 wheelers that have been working with us. The maroon RD I believe is David Leach's And today we had CTC and Smith Cartage tankers at Curran Dekalb at the same time.
  21. Stark R model turning off Garden Prairie yesterday. Not a good pic, but it was the best one that came out. I still haven't gotten down the driving and taking pictures. Who ever was driving prob thought I was an idiot cause I was all over the road lol
  22. This MR was milling the holes for the reflectors to go in. The guy got a kick out of me taking the pictures.
  23. It is a really nice looking truck. I also love the sleeper truck.This one was passing over me today when I was on 90. Not the best picture. Was in the paver at the time and the windshield was really dirty, lol
  24. Saw the Stark R model day cab on Genoa rd today. Only reason I was able to get a some what good picture was cause my friend was a couple miles ahead of me and told me it was coming my way lol I'm usually not fast enough to get my phone ready to take a picture.
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