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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Back in the day they put the "custom built for" plaque on the horn instead of the dash? It's hard to tell from the pic, is it a long hood? That really sucks that he never got back to you!!!!!! That is Chicagoland history.
  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That's awesome to see!!!! You have an MP7 in it? How much power?
  3. I was in Jacsonville FL today and stopped by a dealer to check out a Superliner and found these three gems from Chicago. 1 '96 and 2 '00 RDs from Marina Cartage. They were in really rough shape. One even had a hole through the floor. I never found out how many miles they had on them, but they wanted $15,999 for the '00. You can still see the name and phone number on the doors if you look just right. And you can tell one of them was orange at one time so idk who's it was originally. They said they got them from an auction in GA. Check out the custom "ram air" exhaust on the one truck. And here I thought I wouldn't have any pictures from down here to post to the Chicago thread, lol
  4. Thanks Storkmack. Now that you say it I remember.
  5. Helena's, who bought Hintzsche, R model at Troxel.
  6. Snake's '80 R model dumping millings on top of the pile at Curran's DeKalb plant. My CHU next to Lorig's Granite the call "Mad Max"
  7. Smith Cartage tanker unloading at Lorig's asphalt plant in Crystal Lake, which use to be Curran's old plant. "D" construction Vision And I think the red and black RD is J&S construction.
  8. I was at Shanklin's a couple weeks ago and took these pics. Can't remember the name of the company with the red RD. I took a picture of a picture lol Then a cool local First Gear R model And orange and white Lowe truck was just traded in while I was a there. Might be the same as the one above. Not sure how many RDs they had. They bought an '07 CXP day cab. I guess they made those at the end of '07 and it had a MP7, but without emmisions.
  9. Bee clearing out my phone and found some pictures I forgot to post. The redi mix truck is Narvick, always thought it was cool. Blue Vision is Lorig's Not sure about the cream and brown one Ground Breakers DM. Makes me miss my '98 Not sure about the six wheeler, but think it might be an old Parking Lot Services truck. Green CH is Geske's Copper looking CH I think is an old Smith Cartage Orange and white is Lowe's
  10. I would love to find someone that has E7 performance parts
  11. Hoping glue will get him back in shape.
  12. Got my Christmas edition First Gear B model out, but Santa had an accident.
  13. I've always wanted that Nissen Superdog!!! I'm sure they will never sell it. Very short wheelbase.
  14. Are they still gonna keep the old one on the road?
  15. Don't they have one orange and black also? And I love the DM!!!!
  16. I see you have a '07 CXP. Do you have the MP7 with no emmisions? If so, how do you like it?
  17. I heard of a guy in central IL that had two shortys and I guess he loves them and hasn't had any problems. Though those are shortys. I've seen some picks of long dongs laying over cause the sides buckled.
  18. Such a cool picture!!!! Love seeing stuff like this!!!
  19. I also liked the way my '98 steered. It was nice and effortless. The '12 is really hard.
  20. Sorry to hear all you went through. I was told to stay away from the Twin Y also, thankfully I stayed away. Though I bought my '12 CHU used with 366,000 miles and it liked to wander around also. They replaced the drag link and it went away. What is the AL suspension? Idk what mine has, but it's not like my old '98 CH had with the Mack rears. This one has Eatons and the suspension says Mack.
  21. Another one went to the dark side lol I'm not against Petes, I just don't like half the guys that drive them that think if you don't have a Pete 359,379,389 you are not cool. I like some of them, but it's like a '67-'69 Camaro. Every car show is full of Camaros just like Petes at truck shows. One of the last truck magazines I got showed all the different class winners for the show and every category was a Pete. Really shocked there wasn't a KW at least. It's all persanal preference in what you want and like. I've sat in many and it just doesn't fit me right. And I hate how the clutch peddle is also. Though I've never driven a C15 and I always hear once you drive one you will never want to drive anything else. I think it's cooler that you had an RD working everyday and looking that great. I will never say I'd never own own. I sat in that new vocational truck Pete has the 567 axle forward and that was a really nice truck with the new redesigned cab. But I guess I still wouldn't be cool cause it's not a 357,379,389 lol
  22. Just watch the debris and concrete that they put in there. It's light, which means not as thick. I saw a guy this year with a brand new Coras and he already had to put patches in it cause it was too thin.
  23. I was just thinking about BJ's trailer as soon as I started reading this thread. I think he waited over 10 weeks and I'll have to ask him again but I'm pretty sure he said he wouldn't deal with Kens again. I've always head the trailer is what makes the difference. I know BJ said its night and day difference between his spring ride steel and his air ride aluminum. And if you do order new, get the lift axle like BJ did. Makes sense since you are empty all the time. I heard Trailstars are junk. I'd only think about MAC or East. BJ's is a MAC. And I know of someone else that was talking about buying the Underhill truck.
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