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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Had another one lay over on 88 in Curran's section. This time total driver error. I guess he came in from the live lane onto the job, and was driving in the dead lane. Wasn't paying attention and got the truck too far over and fell off the 3' plus core out for the shoulder. It was one of the Gomez trucks. And last week one of his drivers was working for Curran in McHenry and when he got to the job he got out of the truck and forgot to set the brakes. And then it rolled into the back of another truck. Think he might get dropped from his insurance.
  2. So I guess one of the millings trucks thought he had to cut the turn really sharp. I gues it was so wide that other trucks were still able to go around him. He was loaded and sat there for over 5hrs to have a wrecker get him out. My friend Eddie took this pic.
  3. Lorig bought the Crystal Lake plant from Curran last year and got into the asphalt business. They bought some trucks at the auction, but I guess they don't know what they need for an asphalt truck. This is a really cool '08 Granite with MP8 485 and 13spd, but not the combo you want for asphalt. The truck has all steel everything, and a double frame. Trailer is a heavy spec 1/4 frame. The only thing about this combo that doesn't say "excavating spec" is it has air ride instead of Camelback. It wash 35,000# empty, lol. Not a very great truck for hauling asphalt, but it sure does look cool. They call the truck Mad Max. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some pics of there six wheeler, which is an old S&K truck. And I forgot. The truck also regens everyday for about 30mins.
  4. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=6110361 Saw a couple of thes RDs on Truckpaper down in FL. They sure do look like old Marina Trucking trucks.
  5. Blue Parrot I have the 350 now but liked the feel of my old 250 better
  6. I just noticed. Did he add steps to the fuel tank?
  7. That really sucks that they are leaving. The orange one actually looks like it was in decent shape.
  8. I still say the Mongoose and Terminator trailers are the best. I hand sanded my Terminator and rolled on and brushed Farm and Fleet tractor paint two years ago and still holding up great. Though next time gonna have it blasted to get more of the rust off.
  9. That guy works with us sometimes. Not sure what the deal is. Same company name on the side of the truck, but had license applied for plate and new driver at the beginning of the year.
  10. Not too sure if Meyers still owns the old shop in McHenry or if Ozinga took it over, but I took these pics over there. The R model is an '84 and has WI portion plates, and them and it IFTA were last renewed in '99 so I'm assuming it hasn't been on the road since then. I noticed it has Reyco suspension. Such a shame that they leave the passenger side window open. The trailer is a '75 Fruehauf. Also saw the nice Hilbilt in the weeds.
  11. I was hauling asphalt out of McHenry the last two days and got some of these pics at the yard. This morning at the spray rack was my new truck on the left and my old truck on the right. An Ozinga mixer hauling out of their plant on the same property going to 31 and Bull Vally rd. then some mixers on the job at 31. Then Scooter, a Curran driver, dumping millings on the hill with another Mack broker. And a Medinah six wheeler.
  12. I know I do, but then I need someone to help me figure out how to post the pics on here lol I'm guessing you took the pics of the blue six wheeler at Geske's?
  13. A friend of mine saw this, I'm guessing brand new cause their is no plate on it, Plote six wheeler. And I got of work early enough to make the the open house at CIT Rockford and saw this B model up there.
  14. Are the gonna redo the R model eventually?
  15. I see you driving by all the time. Keep meaning to take a pic, but I'm not as fast on the trigger as Petermack lol
  16. Once again I forgot to attach the pictures lol
  17. Peter Baker was hauling mix out of Curran DeKalb today and had their '72 R model there. The guy said it drives great. Forgot to get the specs though
  18. Zimmerman Granite Rolloff swapping out dumpsters.
  19. Zimmerman Granite Rolloff swapping out dumpsters.
  20. What were you driving? We are on ch17 Though we are usually staying out side our trucks cause it's not very fast passed over there. Lol
  21. That was me you saw. So I was actually working? Lol
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