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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Nice change of pace for today at 47/20/72.
  2. I heard he owed way too many people
  3. I think that might be the way to go to avoid the emmisions stuff. Sweet ride!!!!
  4. I love that picture!!! I consider the CHU like a newer version of the Superliner.
  5. I have a '12 CHU which has a longer WB then my old '98 CH and I love how it turns better then the '98, but I dont like the way the steering feels. The '98 was so smooth and you didn't have to give it much effort. The new truck has a way harder steering effort. I know that the '98 had a one piece steering shaft and used motor oil for the power steering, where the '12 has a multiple shaft and uses ATF fuild for the power steering. Has anyone else that has had an older and a newer on to compare and know what I am talking about? And is there anyway to fix it?
  6. I was always told to bump up the RPMs when idling for a long time. Heard it was to boost the oil pressure. Now I have a '12 CHU and my blower fan doesn't blow strong all the time. I was told to clean out the box inside, replace the filter and I guess there is a small regulator or something like that underneath there that I should replace. When I get the part I can let you know what the part number is.
  7. I would like one in a glider
  8. I also got some pictures of Specialized's CL. And I guess it's turned up pretty good.
  9. Was over at Smith Specialized Hauling yesterday and saw this, I think Navy, Granite. It's an '08 and must have been a hybrid test vehicle. I one just like this on Truck Paper a few months ago for sale. Think this might be the same won. I guess the owner of Specialized's brother bought at an auction. Engine and dash panel have been taken out. My friend told me it supposedly only had 2 miles on it. Looks like it has a Volvo Idrive gear selector in it and I'm guessing that is an Mride suspension.
  10. Al, I was heading out to the show at IA 80 yesterday and saw you heading back. Wish I could have been there earlier and saw you.
  11. That is AWESOME!!!!! Was wondering who would be the first around to get one. Was thinking maybe Plote would try one out.
  12. Looks in decent shape for how old and abused it prob is. And that is totally old school Chicago construction combo. MACK with Hilbilt.
  13. Forgot I took this picture in the fall.
  14. Do they still have the Superdog? I love that truck.
  15. I saw that red R model also last week at Peace and 38. Could see what it said on the door.
  16. I wish they would have gliders!!!!
  17. 1 1/2 weeks with Plote's CATs on the road, and three of them down. One had Trans problems, one the air conditioner died and third not too sure about. Guess CAT gave them a loaner and said just hold on to it, like they know there will be more problems.
  18. You can call me a Pre Madonna, but thats why I refuse to go to landfills.
  19. Is this a recent picture? Trailer looks great!!! And I see they converted from Daytons.
  20. I saw they weren't at Mark's anymore. They are prob gonna wait till July 1st to put them on the road for when the new plates are out.
  21. I was close Mackey, lol I see the oil tanker has both names on it.
  22. Thank you Mackman. Actually that is an asphalt belt trailer. The buildings u see in the background is just my friends place where I park. They are great for paving, unless u are in a tight subdivision. That trailer is 31' long where dump trailers are usually 22-24'. Can't wait to see how good it works with the crazy poly surface we are gonna put down on 88.
  23. Not too sure if they can haul more in them in IL or not. The norm is a 31', though there are some guys that have 40'. That's not fun in a subdivision. I think it's Sheeply, or something like that that hauls for Gallager in Joliet has some Tri axle Trail Kings also. I think K Five has some Etnyres as well.
  24. Bought $20,000 more new vs new steel dump.
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