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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Finally got the new truck and trailer together.
  2. Another one layer over on Fri on 88. i was already gone for the day. This is the only photo I've gotten my hands on so far.
  3. Heard something interesting today. I guess Ozinga bought out CTC, formerly known as Celli. Not sure how true it is, but A friend of mine told me that he has a friend that works at CTC and he told him.
  4. Idk what the problem is with posting. I was having the same problems.
  5. I guess they are still hiring if you are interested.
  6. A friend of mine said that he has a friend that is gonna start driving for a new, 2nd, minority division of "D" Construction. He doesn't know the name of the company, but I guess they bought 12 brand new trucks and trailers. He's not sure if they are MACKS or not, but I'm kinda guessing that they are. I told him to have his friend send him picks when he starts working and to send them to me.
  7. I know they are not MACKS, but thought you'd like to see the new Plote purchase. They are getting the wet kits put in at Mark's Machine Shop in Sycamore. Fuzz said that he thinks they bought five CATS and 10 MACKS. I guess Heil is doing the MACKS. The CATS were $10,000 more then the MACKS, but they have the CAT automatic so maybe that's why? Though he said they shifted pretty hard.
  8. Idk what happened with the Builders B model post. It kept telling me it didn't download but now I see it did three times
  9. A friend of mine sent me this picture. Not sure who took it. Kinda funny they did the B model up in the Builders colors, cause they haven't even been around that long, but still cool.
  10. A friend of mine sent me this picture. Not sure who took it. Kinda funny they did the B model up in the Builders colors, cause they haven't even been around that long, but still cool.
  11. A friend of mine sent me this picture. Not sure who took it. Kinda funny they did the B model up in the Builders colors, cause they haven't even been around that long, but still cool.
  12. Al Pitts "AP Trucking" '89 Superdog with 350 13spd and air ride. Snake's '80 R mode 300, turned way up, 13spd Camelback
  13. Wish I could have gone. I had to play in the rain and mud, but we got about as much sit time as we did actually work so I'll take that.
  14. As far as I know it's the same hood and cab since it came out in I think it was '89. Besides when they made the cab longer in '08. So I would think you can transfer most of the new stuff to an older one. I always said the same thing. Kinda like a modern Superdog. Here is me and my friend loading at the same time. His is on the left, '97 and mine on the right is a '12. Not much changed.
  15. I mostly haul for Curran in DeKalb. Bought the only time I'm not there is if they are slow or have to fill a stupid minority quota. I've been hauling for them for 10 years. Today I was actually hauling millings and broken concrete. Usually if the have asphalt going out I'm on that. They have some asphalt going to Weber Grill in Huntley, but I was told they have about ten of us regular asphalt guys out on 88 cause they want us to get the better hrs and keep an eye on all the other idiots cause they don't want the company trucks going that far west. I've hauled out of most of the asphalt plants out east, but never out of K Five. Patch jobs are gravy money. And they love my belt trailer for that.
  16. I don't think my videos are working and don't know another way to download them so I took some screen shots.
  17. So this was the first real week working on 88, last week was just taking the rumble strips out. And of course 3/4 of the drivers out here are idiots. So this morning we were taking bets on what would happen first, am truck pulling out and causing an accident or a truck laying over. About 2hrs later we figured out which one it would be. Hopefully the videos posted. trim.9F72AE55-B720-4E3A-B869-FA7AD3666B90.MOV trim.35EBB529-EF5C-453E-A1FA-18DAB63707A3.MOV
  18. Never seen those before. When were they used?
  19. I feel more comfortable pulling my 1/4 frame, but this one dumps pretty nice. I just bought it to do some milling and dirt work. I'd rather use this then my belt trailer. I have my 1/4 frame rented out. I usually only do stuff like this till asphalt starts up. Then they usually just leave me hauling that. We have over 200,000 tons of mix just for I88. The best thing about the 20' trailer is that it looks full, but I don't have much in there, lol
  20. Got to play with my slightly used, '83 Hilbilt today.
  21. If we are not working I'll be there.
  22. Looks good!!!!
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