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Everything posted by Mackdaddy2030

  1. Yesterday in Sycamore I saw an Ozinga truck but looked like it had I different name on the door. Was too far away to see what it said.Funny thing is I drove by Super Mix in Belvidere today and took these pics. I didn't see any Ozinga signs up though. I like that they still have an RD.
  2. We call them "Johnny Bars" out here. My '12 has the stupid dummy setup where it won't hold when you pull it down. I'm in the process of figuring out a way to modify the setup.
  3. Make sure you post some pictures. Can't wait to see the combo.
  4. A friend of mine did his whole Pete with Dynamat. He has loud exhaust and you can barley hear it in the cab. He also say it keeps it cooler inside.
  5. And on my last issue from last year it told me I had to renew or I wouldn't get it anymore. I forgot to do it and I still got mine in the mail, lol
  6. A friend of mine's friend has a farm in Harvard. He found the Grubsteakers sign in his field way up there. Along with tons of clothes.
  7. Is this like what they use at the dealer? I just got a '12 CHU and was thinking about trying to find something like this so I don't have to go to the dealer all the time. And would love to be able to reprogram my Mdrive when I wanted. How much are they?
  8. I wondered what happened to that 6 wheeler also. I know years ago I asked the guy how much he wanted and it was like $23,000. Way more then it was worth. I'm still in shock of how bad the destruction was. I just drove through Fairdale the night before. BJ was saying that I guess Wagner's had all their paperwork in the scale house also. And can't rember what size, maybe 24', container they used for storing stuff was missing and not sure where it went.
  9. Are you gonna restore the one you just got? I would love to see them both restored.
  10. This is why I love this page. You guys know so much and I love learning about it.
  11. I just don't understand some people. It's a piece of history. Don't go changing it. I hope you can maybe get that one also.
  12. That was great you were able to attend and be able to talk to his family AL. Hope you are able to keep in contact with the family.
  13. I was at CIT Rockford when I got the magazine. That's where I normally go. Though I was also at CIT Greayslake yesterday and they had some there also.
  14. Geske's in Crystal Lake IL had one that they cut the rearends off and used the power train to power the plant. I heard Randy Griebel bought it from them, but then sold it. I never got a chance to go see it. That is an awesome find.
  15. I used tractor paint from Farm & Fleet. I used the spray cans on the rims and suspension. Then used a brush and roller on the rest of the trailer. These are before and after when I did it. It's been two years and still holding up good. I just hand sanded the trailer. Next time I think I will soda blast it.
  16. I know it's not a Mack, but thought this was interesting. This is a Navistar test vehicle with manufacturer plates. I should have went in there and asked what they were doing to it.
  17. This truck was pulling in for service and thought it was cool. Go figure, something with the DPF 🙈. I talked to the guy driving and his name was John Johnson. Thinking it is the owners son. He said his uncle was actually president of Mack awhile ago. Can't rember his uncles name.
  18. Some old R models. Looks like a custom single axel yard truck, lol, and maybe one for parts. Just sad that they leave the window open in the white one just letting the interior go bad. The interior wasn't actually all that bad.
  19. Not to sure about this one. Is it a heavy spec R model?
  20. Was up at CIT Grayslake today and got to see some of the old trucks they have put out to the pasture.
  21. I'm on their FB, but I'll go back and they and figure it out.
  22. Also saw this Dekalb Township truck up there also. I've seen it on the road before and never was able to get a good pic of it.
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