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Everything posted by br549

  1. Pickup tube is same on the small and big oil pan, the 51 qt is just deeper.
  2. on the vmac engine when it would quit running when it was hot and would not restart Mack said to pour a gallon of water on the governor of the fuel pump, if started it was I not sure but I think it was the magnet or sensor in the governor need to be replaced. I read your engine wont restart after cutting it off but give it a try and see.
  3. can you hear a noise thru the air cleaner, sounds like you might have a lifter head come off. Watching the valves with the motor might not show up. I would go thru the valve adjustment and see if one is loose, it will make a popping sound.
  4. Email me at g1956p@gmail.com and give me your phone # or I will give you mine
  5. I've got 2 732GB2696D new 18 stud mack heads in original Mack box NOS with 3/4 corner stud, they are naked heads, no valves.
  6. Swap #1 and #2 injectors and see if it goes to #2, If not pull delivery valve on the injection pump and swap #1 and #2 and see if it goes tp #2
  7. If I remember right there is a big 40 amp fuse along the bottom of fuse panel that is marked on the panel or wire going to it heater/ac. I dont think it would be bad or the fan would not work. Does the push button for a/c light up, Also it should work if you put the lever to defrost it should kick the a/c on. It goes from the control to the thermostat , you have to pull the front cover off and you will see if it has power to it and power leaving it, if not it is bad. On the ones I seen there is a in line fuse in the wire that goes from the thermostat that goes to low, high pressure switch, follow the wire on the thermostat wire and look for the in line fuse in the a/c heater box.
  8. Clean out the bottom of cup holder, there are 1 torque head screw in the bottom of each, remove and lift cup holder out.
  9. We had a 2005 CXN 613 with ac427 kept it till 1260000, all ways kept good oil pressure. lowest was around 45 at 1300 rpm when pull hills, I have seen where wrong gasket installed on the oil filter mounting bracket to block, you might check that.
  10. Mack # 8235-KIT8042SB
  11. Is this engine a E-tech or a E7 older, The E7 uses the screw in sensor at the front of the flywheel housing, the E-Tech engine uses the sensor that push in from the side and a little bolt to hold it in. There is a difference in the flywheels. The E-Tech has one tooth on the flywheel that has been cut off. The older E7 has 6 holes on the front side to line up with the sensor. Make sure you got the right flywheel. Also did the crankshaft have a dowel pin in it, If not it could be installed in the wrong place.
  12. VMac 1 came out in 1990, VMac II came out sometime around 1995. Mechanical pumps were available until the VMac III ETech came along.
  13. By the picture it also shows it came out with to fitting with a small pin hole in it from factory, not the old style over flow valve in the picture the sent you. We have also seen the plastic tubing that goes to the intake mainfold have a pin hole in it, we would pressure check the tube and diagphram together. Like I said if TURBO LAG is the only problem pull the allen head plug on top of the governor and there is a cog wheel like a brake adjuster in there, I think you turn the cog wheel toward you from the side and you can get rid of the lag, we would turn the wheel a few cogs and test drive down the road and if not enough pull over and adjust more till we got what we wanted, just a small amount of smoke and quick pickup. I will say no more. Good Luck
  14. Truck built 2/24/98 E-7350 Mechanical engine 1996 EPA
  15. Truck built 2/24/98 E-7350 Mechanical engine 1996 EPA
  16. What is the model and last 6 of the VIN, i will ck and see what it came out with. If your only complaint is the lag, I seen truck with that fuel pressure give no problem if it dont go lower under a load. If you want it to get rid of the lag, you need to ck the line and diaphgram I talked about in an earlier post. If it is OK I would pull the plug on top of the governor and you can adjust the pick up when you mash the pedal, it will get rid of the lag. it will give the fuel faster, but will put out a little bit of smoke.
  17. There is a line that comes from the intake manifold around front of engine to back of injection pump. As the turbo pressure comes it put pressure to the back of the pump to open up fuel rack. If the hose has a hole in it or the diagphram in the back of governor it cannot let the rack open up. We made up a fitting and gauge to put air pressure on it to see if it would hold air around 30 psi, if it leaked down it could have a hole in the line or the diagphram in the pump which can be easy change without removing pump. W also used to adjust it to pick up faster if it was just slow response pickup. You pulled the plug and there is a cog like a brake adjuster in it you take a short screw driver and click it but I can't remember which way to go.
  18. This Is a 2018 CHU613
  19. Light on, also ABS and ATC light on. Has the stalk switch on below steering wheel but cannot get it to read any codes, older trucks with the stalk switch I could get codes, is there a trick on the newer trucks. I can get to diagnostic but only let check dash, light.
  20. bolt sleeves down and roll pistons down to lowest point and check for a for a pit hole that will catch with a pin in the sleeve, also what is the model CX___ and the last 6 of the VIN
  21. SB215025 AC engines, SB215026 AI engines.
  22. You can take a radiator pressure gauge and take the fitting out and hook up a long hose and put a fitting in the bottom of a clear gallon plastic jug and fill it up about a 1/4 way with water or antifreeze and hang it on the mirror of the truck and run it sitting or drive it down the road and watch for air bubbles, also make sure there is not a air controlled heater cut off in the heater lines, had one on a 1995 CH with sleeper that air was leaking on the valve and on a hard pull would start pushing coolant out. Had one truck that was passing thru town pushing coolant out and only get hot on a pull it had already had 2 sets of head gaskets put on in at a MACK dealer in Florida, pull heads and found a 1/8 dot that looked like a sand pit in the sleeve, call the company ( a major trucking co 2000 trucks) and told them we needed to pull the sleeve and they said sleeve was to thick to do that and to put head gaskets on it. Took it down the road on a hard pull and it started pushing water out again, called company back and they said to pull sleeve. Pull sleeve out and put welding dye on pit, red on inside and white on outside and afterward it turned pink, replace sleeve, truck was OK.
  23. I think ambac and United technologies owned them, we use to call them american bosch back in the 70's. I seen many united technologies on r model and mh model on the 4 valve,seem like they were on tractors more and robert bosch were more on dump, mixer trucks. When the E-7 engine came out they went with robert bosch only.
  24. Thanks BG for the offer, could not wait. Put the old style manifold on it and used the same AMI turbo back. took truck down the road empty, seems ok, time will tell.
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