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About bigmoosemack

  • Birthday 09/26/1981


  • Location
    Harlan Co. Kentucky

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  1. This is a truck our dept just bought last couple of months she is a 82 cf with a 1000gpm waterous pump been refurbed on 04 by swab coach company out of pa this truck came from salem nj bought new by the city of salem for the union fire company
  2. ok guys here is what we have i will try to attach pic's so you can see what we have and how to adjust them we finally figured out how this was done completely by accident the slack adjuster is located were the screw driver is at down in the hole flat screw driver works could be a longer screwdriver tho thanks for all the help
  3. also to add to the problem we have a pulling to one side from the front really badd if you stomp on the brakes it will pull you half way across the road on a 2 lane highway that isnt good any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. hello folks we found a rearend with a 4.62 ratio it is in and seems to be doing good thanks for all the help
  5. OK guys thanks for all your help we located a rearend out of another truck and we have it now in our truck filled with oil and done a initial run of it with it still up on blocks no funny noises etc no leakes so not badd for a bunch of rookies huh although i must admit this is alot heavier than regular car parts lol
  6. you were right superdog not much different than a car just bigger parts
  7. you might want to check with a place in middlesboro ky called bills truck parts they may have what your looking for
  8. i think we have located us a rear stump going this morning to pick it up hoping all goes well we sure need some good luck for a change
  9. Hello guys I have a 87 cf mack i need a rearend for im new to all this so can anyone tell me how many different rearends they put in the mack and how to identify without taking the diff apart thanks
  10. Thanks guys i am the one who asked joe to post all you help is greatly appreciated the truck has changed some with modern lighting etc it has a updated 1000 gal tank but she seems to still run strong
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