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Everything posted by mackcl96

  1. http://www.rockanddirt.com/trucks-for-sale/invnum=6070921 http://www.rockanddirt.com/trucks-for-sale/invnum=6734359 http://www.tbg-truckbuyersguide.com/details-truck.asp?id=323 You have to be versatile in todays economy http://www.autotrader.ca/used_cars_Heavy+Trucks_details/L'ÉPIPHANIE_Quebec_1997_MACK_CH613+_3193339.html?srcid=949322090704949322090704&source=6&pgno=3&srt=70&CompanyID=&r=ontario&ad-attributes=,, http://www.autotrader.ca/used_cars_Heavy+Trucks_details/SASKATOON_Saskatchewan_2007_MACK_CXN613+_217023.html?srcid=4139911&source=5&pgno=1&srt=70&CompanyID=&r=ontario&ad-attributes=photos,, And a few members http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2196575 http://www.autotrader.ca/used_cars_Heavy+Trucks_details/WOODSTOCK_Ontario_2006_MACK_Vision+_3325674.html?srcid=6742198&source=27&pgno=2&srt=70&CompanyID=ON20081022094802085&r=ontario&ad-attributes=photos,,
  2. Mack gliders http://www.truckpaper.com/list/list.aspx?bcatid=27&PCID=&dlr=&dlrgrp=&GUID=CAEFD85F0D61428FB257BCFD61C34301&ftr=&DidSearch=1&EID=1&CDTS=&CDTE=&ual=0&OAuctions=0&GroupSort=&Pref=&oaed=&scf=False&scfchange=&hdnSCFMode=&pc=&MDLGrp=&ETID=1&ParentCategoryID=207&catid=15101&Manu=MACK&Mantxt=&Mdltxt=&mdlx=Contains&PF=&PT=&YF=0&YT=0&EventBD=&EventED=&MileFrom=&MileTo=&Feet=&Inches=&LiftGate=All&VIN=&CabType=&Cond=Both&Engine=&HP=&HPTo=&FrontAxleLbs=&FrontAxleLbsOther=&RearAxleLbs=&RearAxleLbsOther=&Transmission=&SleeperSize=&MaxSleeperSize=&SleeperType=&Suspension=&Name=&CTY=&keywords=&txtStates=&LS=&SO=2&btnSearch=Search
  3. And it just dropped $10,000 in price
  4. I think you should be making a trip to Wisconsin soon http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2126990
  5. Very true but If someone finds one for half this price they will feel very good about there purchase
  6. http://www.thetruckpeople.com/newsite/truckinventory.htm http://www.thetruckpeople.com/newsite/truckinventory.htm http://www.autotrader.ca/used_cars_Heavy+Trucks_details/LES+CEDRES_Quebec_1979_MACK_DMM+_2115773.html?srcid=5868459&source=5&pgno=5&srt=70&CompanyID=&r=ontario&ad-attributes=photos,, http://www.atthe.com/toy_box/details.php?id=1522
  7. Barry, here is one for the garage, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! Think of the money you will save on paint, Its already your color. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2251619
  8. Cant say about different circuit,But Dad had them on the 99 two things I could say, You will replace allot of headlights and after ten years the relay may stick on after you lock the truck and look back outside and the headlights are on (it was below 0`) after I got dressed again and unscrewed the dash to get the relay out it went far away
  9. Your truck may have been already wired for fog lights,(99% of the C models had this harness) Check between the bumper and the radiator for two plugs with dust caps.If you have them then in the dash you will have a plug laying in there and probably need to add a fuse
  10. For this show it will probably look like the white one here; http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?showtopic=11794&st=0&p=45047&fromsearch=1entry45047
  11. I pulled Mack out, the rest are here 2010-Makes-Models-Class7-8.pdf Mack will use SCR aftertreatment and will add between $9,600 and $9,800 to prices for 2010 SCR-equipped trucks. Mack selected Terra Environmental Technologies Inc. as its preferred DEF supplier; TET will supply all new Mack trucks with an initial fill of TerraCair DEF at the time of assembly and provide Mack dealers with the product in portable 1- and 2.5-gallon containers. The Mack Road Stability Advantage System (RSA) by Bendix – now available on Class 8 highway models – integrates the throttle, engine brakes and foundation brakes into the truck’s cruise control function. A radar sensor located in the truck’s front bumper identifies and tracks moving objects in front of the truck. Once the driver turns the cruise control on and sets a speed, ACC works to maintain a set time gap between the truck and the vehicle in front of it. If the vehicle in front of the truck slows, the system picks up on the decreasing time interval between them and begins to reduce the throttle to compensate. If that is not enough, the ACC then will apply about one-third of the foundation brake capacity. The system is proactive enough to bring the truck to a complete stop on its own without driver input should the situation demand it. TerraPro Low Entry and Cabover refuse models now are available with heavy-duty natural gas engines. The 9-liter Cummins Westport ISL G is rated at 320 hp, can use LNG or compressed natural gas (CNG), and has a three-way catalytic converter.
  12. One or two years ago the Granite had cummins mostly in California but not now. 2010 TerraPro Low Entry and Cabover refuse models now are available with heavy-duty natural gas engines. The 9-liter Cummins Westport ISL G is rated at 320 hp, can use LNG or compressed natural gas (CNG), and has a three-way catalytic converter.
  13. Thanks Barry, always worked fine all the other times but that time. P.S, got tossed off last night (error said your server was down) lasted 5 min but came back,Also did it last week for 30 sec.
  14. In 1978 Mack and Renault was trying to find a replacement for the 2-valve V8. Most likley the big-6 and the E9 where being tested Why did they make it Because they could, this is when Mack was Mack And liked to play with pet project like some of us,Mack back then had money to play with because America was buying Mack trucks. The E9 could have passed emissions in 1999 if they used V-mac2 setup like they did in Europe But they Probably needed funding from the new owner of Mack (volvo) If you remember in 2000 They were going to use the E9 in the industrial Field But that got slammed by volvo
  15. The magnum color red is also Mack level-4 interior color up to the end of the MH. Unless any of these parts are monogrammed I don't know
  16. Cat stole the Idea,I seen them do it.
  17. Now Some of you are probably thinking WHY in the world are they using a road truck as an off-road rock truck. I was told years ago in the coal region not sure of the state Kentucky comes to mind, Union wages were less if you drive a dump truck then a rock truck. Today with the (Economic Stimulus Money) I see it in the bid,If you drive a truck you are at $30.00 an hour and $45.00 an hour for equipment(rock truck). More money in the pocket,But not yours
  18. Yes, in the Ste-Foy link it reads Global 110,000 planetary
  19. Seen this done many times over the years J&J body company has done a few at 114 inch wide for overseas.
  20. I Don't think this company did a Granite with planetary. I do remember seeing one of the last serial numbers CL733-3008 with planetary in their color 2-years ago. Here is their company website; http://www.dlavoie.com/
  21. Now I feel better with the CB on special, the past two days I thought you were on a limited budget this year with the WIPER BLADES and STARTING FLUID
  22. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2039670 http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2242752 http://www.commercialtrucktrader.com/big-trucks/find/listing/1964-MACK-RD-95352515 http://www.commercialtrucktrader.com/big-trucks/find/listing/1984-Mack-SUPERLINER-96076492 http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2228230 THANKS BARRY.
  23. This company Denis Lavoie & Son Inc has bought some big spec RDs and CLs over the years and now this; hope it will do the same job. .jpg] Got Timber .jpg] http://www.mackstefoy.com/fr/default.asp?nouvelle=true&IDM=1
  24. Got 3 over here, couple minutes apart along with those dirty smut pictures
  25. Me as a Mack parts customer, seem to have to deal with this almost every time you go to get parts they are backorderd or discontinued or superseded to a part that wont work. But we have parts for that new truck outside sitting on the lot. I know they are losing many loyal Mack customers for years over volvo's ignorance
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