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Adam Thomas

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  1. No not yet I will be calling in the morning to find out how much it will be to rebuild it.
  2. Greetings to all! Our fire department has just purchased a 1987 Mack CF and we were coming home with it and due to the former departments lack of interest in maintaining proper upkeep on the truck the rear end went out. It had no oil in it. So we are now looking for a rear end for it. I will enclose the part number and series as well as the ratio for it. If anyone out there has one that they are willing to sell or donate we are in despirate need for one. We currently have an operating budget of only 2,500.00 per year and will have to have it repaired used. Thanks for any help or knowledge. Series: CRD1171 VIN 1M2A152C6HMOO1188 Part Number: 11KH4167BP12 Ratio: 4.88 Make: Mack Model: CF 688FC Year :1987 Rear End has Disc Brakes, and is 6 spoke. 10 X 22.5 tires THIS TRUCK CAME FROM North Caldwell in Essex County. My email is athomas0148@kctcs.edu
  3. World Wide Equipment ran the VIN on the Mack and came back with a 4.88 Ratio on the rear end.
  4. Yeah we have 3 with 3 seperate departments. We all make fire calls together so if looks like a mack truck show with water!
  5. Also has 10 X 22.5 Tires
  6. the truck is automatic disc brakes i have no idea what ratio it has we have just bought this truck and know nothing about it just tring to see how many different rearends it had it has six sopke rear if that will help you
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