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Everything posted by euclidtc12

  1. how many LM's were produced and what years were they made ?
  2. was that at the sale don.t remember that one
  3. Haybag don't know much about Delboso but they were in NY city . also knew they ordered 5 .I recognized the truck buy the Dump body and color .The other ones I've seen had it too .Check the Drivers side of your cab top right corner for a # they numbered them there and I mite have sum pics of your truck .Very Interesting about Irv's Cab too
  4. Haybag your 39 FH is that a Delboso truck
  5. welcome I see you too r a twin engine man
  6. R they Hub or Stud poit wheels
  7. where did the truck come from
  8. you looking for parts truck or good runner
  9. allways wondered where that OLD ROAD WHORE went too
  10. sum of Larry's RED Fords from Lakeside show52 F6
  11. FFD14 Twin engine Eucpair of TC12's just hauled in
  12. Macmaster's LTH with fresh repower
  13. Cat powered SuperDog with free Fuel
  14. heres sum pics from this weekend
  15. heres sum pics from this weekend
  16. sorry to here that from a fellow Bulldog owner Earl
  17. Larry has over 100 pieces of equipment dating from the 1800.s to new
  18. Happy Easter from Jake from State Farm
  19. the body on frame is 14 feet and theres bracket in front that is 6 inch for cylinder but could go under a cab .still checken on weight
  20. yes moves around to different places every year .This year it's in Janesville Wiss
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