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fjh last won the day on May 6 2024

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    bc canada

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Community Answers

  1. fjh

    Boost code

    humidity sensor! when these engine hit 33 psi boost they derate! I often thought of putting a pressure regulator on the boost sensor so the putor would never see the max but never had the opportunity!πŸ˜ͺ
  2. There is one theory out there That he is trying to get interest rates down with this tactic! Once its where he needs them for the the trillions in debt payments ! Then he can get on with the other items on the shit list! anyway you and read into anything what ever you want only Trump knows for sure what he's thinking and that can change on a dime! quite honestly what can you believe on line these days ! SIT BACK AND WATCH! If it starts effecting you unfavorably Then decide! the goal posts keep moving! Its like fixing a DPF problem! πŸ™„
  3. Yup hopefully the canon was aimed at the right spot this time! Sooooo hard to find this shit some times! Once you’re down to canon fire it’s not easy you got to draw the right straw! Fingers crossed bro! I’m with Joey!
  4. Still sooting up quick don’t you think!? That said bob tail ain’t working it! See what a day or twos work does for it!
  5. Well hope it does the trick ! next amo is a turbo! If it’s not full stroking it could cause the issue! Either way Volvo wins! 20 grand down the crapper!
  6. Good luck bro ! I'm tapped ! All the cheap and easy amo has been used the rest is expensive and you already started down that road! keep us posted! I ask this thou ! Does the DPf Look face Plugged did you actually run some wire down the comb ??
  7. I highly doubt a compression problem my self chances are its injector cups!
  8. You want them tight pipe sealant on the threads tight 3/8 wratchet tight!
  9. NO silicone around coolant use contact cement to glue the gasket to the pump!
  10. You would with think An open EGR there would be power issues!
  11. Steeler if you find the fix post it! Hopefully the parts canon shooting injectors at it is the fix! it can be so many things with these dam emissions engines! πŸ™„
  12. Do you have a press? As joey stated there are procedures the cam gear is sweated on ! If you don't have an oven you can use a torch! And start from the out side of the gear and work to the center slowly heat it up to around 475 I believe not positive on the temp and don't forget the cam retainer you'll be hating life if you do! 😑
  13. So is it possible you have a sticky valve on one cylinder ? one slow returning valve could cause what your seeing! I have only seen it happen once and never resolved the issue! Note be sure to replace the rocker bolts these have had breaking issues in the past! Have you checked the push rods for straightness!
  14. Thanks ! I try ! Did you physically check the turbo rack by feel! Could be sticky ! learn data reset?
  15. Fuel pressure at 7th? Just throwing it out there! Not a guru by any stretch!
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