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fjh last won the day on May 6

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About fjh


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    bc canada

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Community Answers

  1. Time wise correct jojo!
  2. it will be least be more reliable !
  3. I thought I read 460 ai Earlier?
  4. I have a concern here Is your buddys trans Out of a mack? The bell housings is a diffrent set up for mack and western star ! being a 2007 this is a change over year are the rear engine mounts actually on the engine or the trans!?Your doing the right thing by going eaton BUT you need to do your home work as you are doing here!
  5. fuel pressure cam be another issue with these ! how ever the smoke is not a good thing! the face plug idea is valid but usually a crack with this!
  6. Not a guru on this however It sounds like you have a crack in the dPF there should not be any smoke! Think you need to pull it and inspect!
  7. Older versions of these had a jam nut!
  8. yup he’s got the help here if e needs it!
  9. Lifter sticks? They will be handy for this project!
  10. H ring’s keep ‘em straight
  11. Do you have a press?
  12. yup These can change the ball game for getting my Amazon orders for sure! Soon amazon will have fleets of these! Imagine being able to order your new refrigerator on line and having it delivered on the day you order it from you computer desk! just plunk it in your drive way!😂
  13. Just speculation thx! 🤔
  14. Government spy drone firing meth pellets not big deal just trying to keep them meth heads alive!
  15. Day time running lights are mandatory here!
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