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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Agreed!
  2. My problem would have been warranty in the pull and re install situation! To do it that way you have to have permission from the owner! I would have no problem doing it if I was asked or told to do it that way! Cr yup should have used better terminology!
  3. Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I personally swore off stemco years back after witnessing a lot of failures not due to poor installation! But to a trend! Now a days there are a lot of out board drums being used! When brake job is completed second time around the seal can look fine and not leaking! Lo and behold half way thru or less the next lining the seal takes out a perfectly good pair of shoes! Why? Because the dust and crap from the last brake job got into the seal! Just my observation! So if I have choice it will always be a voyager a cr or national style seal for me the leather seal is my last resort seal for a lose bearing on a spindle or situation where I can get the others! just me!
  4. Old idealism over new in my opinion! Old habits die hard in the minds of some people! Engineers are not immune to this! That said if you don’t try stuff you don’t move forward! Sometimes it’s up to us in the field to do what they are afraid to do. I personally have done it! I’ve seen both setups both work ! Is the extra work necessary? If you got something that works why change!?
  5. Amen 🙏
  6. Sae number six!
  7. Keep use posted!
  8. Great minds buddy my thoughts exactly is that piece magnetic? Not lump of carbon?
  9. Why not look for a Volvo engine of the same year as your own ! the engines are identical except for the paint! That said not worth taking a chance in my mind the emissions year is most important for ether brand some internal parts change for this!
  10. Bummer ! Nope sorry no ideas here ! Could be part of a bad manifold casting!
  11. Every new truck owner should have one of these! A places to lay your head while waiting for the tow truck! 🤣
  12. A mostly Discontinued Mind set with the current work environment!
  13. Sound wise the Schweitzer tended to have a high pitch whistle to them most of the time! Might be a clue for you!
  14. yup valid question ! Axles are totally different and joey has a point to 44 change to a flanged axle at one point as well so year is important as well! 38 axles had a totally different flange at one point with different stud size AND pattern on earlier vins !!!
  15. It could be schwitser or borgwarner if the fuel pump is rob bosch it will likly be a schwitser if ambc borg!
  16. Try toppin up the coolant! it is likley set to trigger but not shut down ! As it warms the coolant expands!
  17. So do you have a boost gauge I don’t remember?
  18. my puppy Kye and his buddy Jarvis Kye is 2 blue healer/ jack russel Jarvis is 8 ! Cat that thinks he’s a dog ! He does all the tricks the dog does and comes on walks with us! Bringing more joy than working on trucks. Trucks now are my third favourite thing! Love critters of any sort!
  19. Yup I have used these on a truck with out a torque rod to the frame your. Going to have this issue! Duno if it was a cost cutting measure or not how ever it has caused a lot of issues!
  20. We had an apprentice girl in our shop that could run circles around a lot of these guys we hired! She now has her ticket and is now doing warranty! Think I told that story though !🤔
  21. Not sure if it can be done without taking the pump off the truck never done it personally! Usually done by a Robert Bosch pump shop! And I’m sure parts are becoming scarce nowadays!this here was a pretty reliable fuel setup so you couldn’t expect them to keep it!😡Mack and John deere used it for quite awhile!
  22. Most pump shops build it into the price the rebuild and come spiked on tdc!
  23. All good thanks for posting the fix! Appox 11/2 inch from tdc will be close! Good job! The spade centre in the hole is the same as that jig give or take a degree or two!👍good on you taking the bull by the horns!Its not a hard job just a bit hard to explain!
  24. yup you are likley correct joe ! Un less the damper has been changed there should be something one place or the other!
  25. If he has marks on the fly wheel he can just centre the spade in the hole.the key is having marks on the flywheel!
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