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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Any of the above is possible but as Joey commented check the yoke nut ! Also check the oil for water contamination if the oil cooler fails it will take out the synchro in short order!
  2. Im emotionally scared for ever! I may have to take my business else where! 😪🙄🤣
  3. Yup used to piss the parts department all the time again just ignorant on the Mack end! Entrapment at its finest!
  4. Called entrapment! They do that with lots of parts ! Exhaust nuts in quantities of 10 ! How many on an engine? 12ehuast gaskets quantity of 10 how many on an engine 6 ! Better in your inventory than theirs! They have done this for years ! Evil Turds! Screw the next guy!
  5. All v8 and e6 ! had issues then e7 came along the lifter was changed! The new style lifter will fit all the engines and is very resilient IF YOU CAN FIND THEM! Volvo has done a great job of burrying the older parts they want you to buy a new truck with Volvo trash components !
  6. Yup agree with Joe the hardest part is usually getting the nut off the bottom the rest is a cake walk if it’s a Mack axle!
  7. Easily and a lot quieter!
  8. Actually The Volvo Trash people have gravitated back to a spline version of this setup as of late ! for what ever reason! Something that has mystified me is the use of the types of hard to service drive lines used these days on trucks that are likely to be towed at some point they have made it very hard to remove drivelines for the tow Guys! The flange thing is a good idea in that respect! To bad they that don't make a Zipper for drive lines tow guys would be in dream land!😅
  9. Well that's decent a lot of messing around but as long as you get the job done and your happy that's all you can ask! Good luck on your new found Idle speed.😁
  10. 👍 sorry it wasn’t more cut and dried for ya bud!
  11. The shaft has to come out the back side after the trans is split! sounds like you have a single disc clutch?
  12. Ahh you need the cover and all going to be tuff to get the whole works bro! there is also a spigot on the end of the cam to drive the adaptor! Good luck in your search Bud!
  13. JoeH did you get this nailed down yet? We’re the set with switches turned off when they looked at the settings?
  14. yup Joey! I think he just pulled a pic off the internet for a clear picture! just guessing!
  15. Yup it is! 350 I bet! Every E9 has one of those on it! How ever Are you sure it isn't a cable issue!?
  16. Sorry bro I’m going to be of no help on this not familiar with that wiring on these at all! My former suggestion is all I have to offer! If the wires are there! They will have a jumper set the idle and disconnect! We’re the switches turn off when they looked at the settings?will the engine ramp up with the switches?
  17. 😡 so maybe check and see if the clutch switch wiring is under the dash and is just tied up and jumped over!
  18. Sorry I wasn't More clear at the beginning of the post about the switch on off scenario thing is all it takes is vibration and a loose plug or wire to trigger this situation after years of operation!
  19. All good bro! You bet lots of knowledge here we all learn stuff here I never stop picking up stuff!
  20. Dealer should in theory with a vin give you some info if you can capture there interest !
  21. Good question I wasn’t there ! However if the on off fast idle switch gets in advertently turned on off three times it will go to default idle which you now have! If set idle with switches is turned on in the settings!sometimes that setting gets missed at pdi time people don’t think auto most of the time I know I don’t!They can run for years till something glitches ! Loose connection or something happens!vibration even! You set the idle and The last step in the sequence with switches is to step on the clutch! You don’t have one !bud!
  22. Yes you have to have the shop set the idle as you have no clutch to make it set on your own! Seen this happen before! Just have them re set the idle! Has to be done with the pro link or laptop! Also make sure to tell them to turn off set idle with switches! If you have the lap top with Mack program do it yourself! key thing thing is turn off set idle with switches!
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