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Everything posted by fjh

  1. A pictures worth a thousand words! 😁
  2. Your doing it right! just make sure when you pull the feeler out after the jam nut is tight the feeler is snug but moves freely with very little resistance !
  3. there is a little cover on the the bottom of the fly wheel housing remove it turn the engine till you see valve set 1/6 centered in the hole if the number one valve is tight its likley on the wrong stoke make one more rev of the crank both valves should be loose proceed set to 16 intake 24 exhaust!
  4. So check all the turbo boots and charge air boots for splits . also the air compressor hoses to and from the inlet on the lower manifold and at the compressor!
  5. Also if it’s an mr check the hat on the inlet of the air cleaner if it collapses on the intake it will momentarily shut down till the turbo stops sucking!
  7. 200 to 300 ohms new ones are usually 300 ohms just sayin! ?????? you got 160! ?????? check the new sensor and the air gap after !
  8. extra long 7/16 bolt can solve that issue!
  9. Torch and a heat gun ! I have put these on cold ! just sayin!
  10. Ya it ain’t rocket science it just needs a little space ! Same on the aux shaft!the E6 was a simple robust engine except for the lifters! I like it’s bolt on cam gear ! Wish they had kept that concept! I was kinda pissed when they changed to the press on set up! Knowing all the trouble they had with lifters why change?That said they were evolving the block toward or for the eteck at that time!
  11. Yup back it out when installed turn it in till it touches and back it out half to one turn! Snug the jam nut and your done!
  12. Good job ! Break in ! Warm it and Just drive it! All will be good!
  13. Hope it fixes it how ever the the computer should see the out put from the sender regardless of what the speedo sees! also the speedo has dip switches on the back make sure the new one is set the same! I have also run into these where they were backwards you may have to work them in reverse order!
  14. VMAC 1 Fic is the bosch module ! Your issue will likley be with the VECU the aluminum one! it gets all the vehicle inputs ! and talks to FIC and tells it what to do!
  15. Found a good fuel additive the other day ! Maybe you could drink some might fix you up! Worked good on the old backhoe! Might raise your ctane rate! πŸ˜‚
  16. yup ! They want to wire me up next not to sure I want to let them do that! I have an appointment with the pain clinic in a week or two see how that goes ! Not sure I want to be vmac Fred!πŸ˜‚There back on topic! fixed 😎 Gota love this place!
  17. I just had my back done two weeks ago! Doing some what better how ever there no replacement for new parts!πŸ™„
  18. Pretty hard to free a pump once it’s that far gone with out goin thru it!
  19. 42 Hayes COE ideas | vintage trucks, hayes, semi trucks (pinterest.com) Think this was the beginning !
  20. Get well soon! Bro!
  21. Yup I agree Joey start with the cheap and easy ! It was just an honorable mention at the start there! That said the miss for a push tube would likley be accompanied by a ticking noise the stumble maybe a clue as well! crack some fuel lines and identify which cylinder it is and start by checking the valve set!
  22. πŸ‘
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