Things to try! If the eml light is working it should turn on then go out on key up!If it doesent! repair it! once repaired and IF it comes on and goes out There are no active codes If you have an active code you can pull an active blink code from the dash switches (unless its disabled) by == Don't quote me its been a while but I beleive key on speed control off press and hold the set resume switch till the light goes out watch the eml light for blinks ,count the blinks and post em! DO NOT!!!!! togle the speed control on/ off switch 3 times you'll dump the the idle down to 500! don.t have the code list here at home but 68 might remember or have an idea about the codes!I can get the code list ,tues ,when I m back at work! Also just for kicks !a quite common spot for a wiring oil preasure glitch is where the wire to the oil switch is clamped to the oil cooler just in front of the starter Take the clamp off there and take a good look at the wire in that area! Also I think you can deek out the putor at the o/p switch with a paper clip jumping the wires together the puter asumes a short! heres a write up In a stopped position with your unit OFF, Turn the key to the ON position and wait until the power-up test is finished. 2. The malfunction warning light must stay on after the power-up test is finished in order to properly retrieve your 2 digit "blink" fault code. 3. With the speed control ON/OFF switch in the OFF position, PRESS & HOLD the SET/DECEL or the RESUME/ACCEL switch until the fault lamp goes OFF. 4. The fault lamp will remain OFF for approximately one second. 5. Immediately after, the VMACIII Module will begin to flash a two-digit blink code. 6. The two digits of the code will be separated by a one second pause (fault lamp will be off). 7. Each digit of the blink code may consist of up to ten ON/OFF flashes. The ON/OFF time for each flash will be one-fourth of a second. 8. Count the number of blinks or ON flashes in the first set of flashes and how many times in the second set of flashes. 9. You now have your fault code. E.g.: 1-7. *Check the Fault Code Identification Table to trace your problem* o/p possibly 1-1 code over heat possibly 1-2 code the codes posted are for 98 0r newer