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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Yup if you want to find a leak get it to make thakirby noise then runn a water hose over things the sound will change when the water hits the leak area!
  2. Possibly Joey! Like joeh was saying you got to check the cheap and easy! However……. I went on a service call a few years back to a situation same as this same symptom's after all the simple stuff and the starter jump over test it was the ecu!
  3. The job is already done! you don't need to plug it twice! the flow is effectively stopped if its capped where you say it is! you will get a code for low egr flow and the engine light will stay on for that! As well as the codes for the Vgt/ (Wastgate) when it screws up! the problem is is you can.t see what codes are current! EGR will be off the scale at 15 also depending on how many times the VGT screws up will also be at 15! Long as you can learn to live with what you have for the time being and can work and make some food money all will be good! Potter away at the rest!
  4. Have you been resetting the stroke on the turbo sweep before you start? please don't take offence but please answer the bold type questions
  5. Yup we do! Just except getting old Buddy you'll be fine! Wheeling to the junk yard in your wheel chair to remember where you been probably will help later on! You got a year or two left!😅
  6. Brother its a tow job a dealer will have to deal with this Service call maybe! If you just shut it off for a coffee or what ever and now it won't show hours of mileage in the dash its very likely the ECM! How ever someone got to confirm this! Could be a bad wire to ! Got to get it confirmed!
  7. The one with the accordion bumps on it! I plugged???? and is leaking? If its capped there or anywhere in that circuit its stopping the flo ! A plate bettween the egr valve and the manifold is less intrusive how ever whats done is done! fix the leak and move on! Your main issue is the turbo is not spooling up properly when you get on the throtle! either the vanes or actuator are sticking or the controller is not working correctly because of the oil! and crap inside it! Have you been resetting the stroke on the turbo sweep before you start! we seem to be getting off track here! my focus here has been to try and keep you working till you got parts and time maybe I 'm off track! Just sayin!
  8. Yup you’re slipping buddy!😂
  9. Just to add to Joeys comment there do a retorque after a few heat and cool cycles say a week or two of work do it cold! just sayin!
  10. My bad !your correct Joe ! He tryed a by pass it wouldn’t go either
  11. As long as you got a handle on how to make it pull ! I agree with doing the small stuff first! compressor VGT filter ect makes good sense! Turbo can come later!
  12. the way I read it ! It Cranks but won't start Joe ! could be wrong though!
  13. Yup keep posting and we’ll keep helping as we can bro!👍
  14. Yup totally agree!! Even with everything else that’s been thrown in his way to trip over he’s digging in have to admire the enthusiasm! I don’t mind helping guys that are trying to help themselves! As Joey said he keeps coming back and keeps trying shit! Admirable!
  15. A bad ecm is quite possible we had this happen a few times if you don’t have hours and miles showing up it’s a good possibility!
  16. Nope you dun good! Legendary shit! Buddy it’s not often parts guys go the extra mile! You are a one of very few these days! Most guys are in it for the pay cheque! Just like the service end! We got a few good tech people on the site here I notice they don’t come as often now bordum maybe! My self and guys like Joey like a challenge once and awhile! Keeps you thinking!
  17. Yup I’ve been kinda wrapped up in getting a fix for you and have negated the other stuff you’ve been facing! You’re getting it from all directions at the moment! All the best to you and your loved ones hopefully a speedy recovery! Or at least a positive outcome! big shout out to Heinz here you are true bmt material !👍
  18. More shitty stuff to deal with Mannnn! you got it bad! The turbo would kill two birds one stone the controller appears to be working ! Your call its four grand make sure you get gaskets if you go that route! not sure that they will supply with the turbo!
  19. humm! Well all I could find is MAK691GC49M the controller at pai ! does the actuator kit have a number???
  20. Yup check into it ! Dodger give up your vin ! That might get you by a rough spot!
  21. All good bro we’re here to help!The thing is the damage is already done! The oil is already thru the system The controler And the slave are polluted it’s going to be a crap shoot if you can get this back to square one with out a big bag of money! It looks like it could use a new turbo not cheap! The controller not cheap We will try help out however…….. the dog is out of the kennel!
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