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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Glenn I have never tried to mix and match!But my obsevation is the e7 tube is a larger od than the e6 by quite a bit!No great loss on the holset thing! they anit all what there cracked up to be!
  2. The compressors are diffrent but some have provision for the steering pump!the oil feed tube on the 7 is bigger than the E six.
  3. HK His e6 compressor accesory is not direct swap over thou!Also the power steering pump mounts on the front on some models lots of little things to think about is all!As long as the e7 has all of the above bolted to it .he will have somthing to work with!
  4. No fire wall cut!The front mount compressor and the water pump will be your main stumbles! also the jake puts the valve covers real tight to the heater hoses!that again is simple stuff!
  5. Physicly pretty much the same depending on what truck the engine is coming from! First big problem you may encounter is the front mount.RS is cradle mounted on the front cover!The e7 has a bolt on mount! compresors differ sum .Water pump s differ from model to model! With out setting em side by side !I'd be sceptical anything is possible with a little time thou! I could for see lots of little and some big glitches!The RS did come with a 4 valve e6 at one point just before they did away with the model!
  6. Glenn I'm with ya pal! One exception thou!I like the sound of a V8 pulling, straight pipe or not! Kind of a locamotive sound to it! Real powerful throb!
  7. No problem!We have done several with no ill effects!
  8. I beleive you are correct if in doubt I beleive it cast into the head in the bottom if you look closely below the rocker shafts!
  9. There will be a place were all cylinders will have intakes or exhausts valves closed. Some people would call you nuts for saying that, but you and I know better don't we!
  10. Very good advice! Play the game corectly and you will always have a wild card ! after warrenty care is called policy adjustment!Keep track of every exhast gasket job every turbo that blows ect!Its all ammo!But don't forget this engine is an inherited problem in Volvos Eyes!A Mack made problem not a Volvo made problem.The engine refinements are getting slim on the Mack built stuff!The new gen Mack /Volvo Stuff Will get the full atention from the audiance.IF you squeal long and hard they may even talk you into a new gen truck for not much more money!The MP engines seem to be reliable for the most part as well as getting Better fuel economy .Somthing to think on!
  11. If all else fails call Mack and complain 1-800-866-1177 and keep complaining. WHAT HE SAID!
  12. Thermal brings up a good point before jumping head first into my theroy . Plug off the bleed hole in the waterpump case ,see if that makes a diffrence. and make sure the fan is working correctly !AND make sure there are no air controled water shut offs in the bunk these can put air into the coolant system at odd times faking a persons diagnosus. As for my theroy these engines had problems with low liners at 460 horse power! What was good enough for 350 turns out is too low for 460.19 thou is low spec 28 thou is high spec for liner protrution ,an engine that is set at 460 and has low spec liner protrution has a good chance of havig head gasket problems (symtoms like yours )A water pump sucking air can cause this as well as over heatwill also cause it! You need to check the cheap and easy stuff first!
  13. Sorry man! head gaskets MIGHT fix it for while low liners is most likly .
  14. Is The 454 ETECK ? Doubt it! The fuel preasure valve will not work on non eteck!straight pump 454 only needs 30 psi. As for the 460 If the injector thing don't work, With pyro temps like that I beleive you are chasing a lack of air problem.bypass the drier.If that don,t fix it replace the turbo!
  15. thous are high temps! air filter is a good check! Are the mechanics preasure testing the whole engine for leaks or just the after cooler? The compressor is turbo charged ,you can loose boost out the air drier seen that happen on this era of truck more than once.!! Have em by pass the air drier see if the problem goes away! Make sure there testing the whole engine!leaksat the intake manifold are also comon! i have also seen turbos bad right out of the box! you need to start from the begining . If the guys are just testing the cooler by caping both ends there missing the rest of the engine! they need to be putting air to the turbo side of the aftercooler right thru the engine!
  16. Does the engine smoke under load?If not! What is the fuel preasure!The boost should be above 30 prefer 35 And clean exhast and aprox 1000 or below on the pyro. If you have a low pyro reading its not a boost leak. it may be a fuel preasure problem!
  17. So this will mean everything on the truck will be built with 1 inch plate and 3/8 and 1 inch bolts!
  18. Heard a rumor today that Cat May be Building there own construction truck to compete with the rest of us building trucks for the construction work! any thoughts on this!Varifing the roumor??? A cat / binder colaboration!
  19. Ya well don't get too comfee yet, Mack will get the axle after they finish ruining the reputation.the V people are working hard at it!Don't be too surprized if it happens!
  20. What model of truck is it in?Just poping out the floor pan May not work in your application! If its an rd or rw it is not a nice thing to do!You need to loosen the cab mount on the tube crossover at th rear of the cab if it is an air ride cab you need to take the shocks loose at on end!
  21. I think it will be fine Glenn!As I explained we had this happen once with a head gasket set that had fire rings doubled up on one head there was no ill effects from it! it had been torqued down and all as well!
  22. Well done bro at least ya got to the bottom of things.
  23. I have never seen one of these leak before so Glen's solution is your only option!
  24. When you pulled the heads the fire rings looked to be in the correct location right? can you post a picture of the top of the liner ?If you look at the top of the liner does it look as it could use the stepped ring?Is there an odvious step ? If new liners were installed as the directions state the liner has one narrow high spot in at the middle of the outer flange That high spot has the same heigt either side of the ridge that ridge cuts its self into the ring as the head is tighted down !You'll notice there is grooves cut in the head as well make sure thous are clean. Also check the heads for cracks at the ends near the freeze plugs. If you get the new gaskets get them from a dealer have them pull up the tsb service buliten for the steped fire ring! Damit this is a real pain wish this guy had left the heads alone there was no need to pull them! When you get the new gaskets install them on shiney clean surfaces block and head I use hitack spay on both sides of the gasket as an extra safety but not nessary.Chances are because the job was so halfassed the first time once the gasket leaks like that its impossible to seal it properly!
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