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Everything posted by fjh

  1. fjh

    Best of Trump

    Yup we’re an evil bunch Kevin!
  2. Did you achieve any free pedal an inch or so will keep you going!it’s the notch type correct?
  3. fjh

    Best of Trump

    Well just be happy he picked a fight with us polite neighbors to the north Joey and not Rocket Boy! At least he has a chance of not starting a World war this way! We are All just pawns in a game! Fear not he has an underlying agenda we are all not privy to yet! And it isn't fentanyl ! Quite honestly if All these politicians would leave this subject alone it would sort it self out! What other business other than this sells shit to instantly kill off its customer base! I guess there are a few others but not as aggressive as this stuff!
  4. So I guess big Ben will be on the back burner Then! DAMIT! 😡
  5. You are seeing correct there is no tube there is a bushing on the inside of the bearing!
  6. This is an absolute! last resort! You can also take the adjuster out and leave the brakes applied and quickly dump the clutch in and out ! If it doesn’t move with this method you will be doing a clutch! You don’t want to be doing this inside the shop! I have managed to get them to move with this method but it’s a bit vicious!
  7. it was hard to see!
  8. You Paying the air fare to and fro? Im on the next flight buddy ! always wanted to see big ben!
  9. I like to take one tool down there to get the job done! hate getting up and down! getting old!
  10. I have a 18 inch bit for my air hammer it is the ultimate adjustment tool ! I also have a kenttool tire bar that works well as my second choice I have no patents for using that tool there joey We had one at the shop and it was rarely used! there were always complications finding it and useing it you only have one leverage point with it and a lot of time you need extra leverage to git the ring to move ! 😡
  11. You need a second person to do it right but a stick from the clutch pedal to the seat to hold it down will work!
  12. Very True Joe ! Excellent observation ! check to see if the bearing reaches the brake if so leave it and proceed with the ring adjustment! If it doesn't! tweak the outside lever to ensure engagement of the brake then the ring! As the internal adjustment does not effect the brake much! and you can always readjust accordingly after you get free pedal ! I notice that this may have the notch style adjustment you will have to move the ring At min Three notches to get to free pedal and likly and extra 2-3 to get proper free pedal!
  13. Yup I could see that coming a mile away! I just shook my head when I saw they were going to that set up! Another dumbass move! And what did we save here? Yet another non improvement!
  14. Yup you don't want to go over board thats for sure ! You can only tweak so much before disaster is in the cards!
  15. There is no free pedal there you need to wind on the inner ring till you get an 1/8 at the fork! if it aint seized!
  16. Yup Mark that was another mistake! What they were thinking We will never know ! Why you would change from a 7/16 bolt the served you well over 30 years And change to an almost 3/8 bolt on the rockers is beyond me! And this was even before these Volvo turds got involved! They do equally stupid shit ! Wimpy bolts to hold the injectors , in wimpy bolts to hold the intake manifolds on, orings where gasket's should be an so on! BUT Who are we to say, were just low life bolt turners ! They did finally get it right with the power leash though !
  17. Yup It was a bogus Time for sure! They were trying lots of different things to over come the lack of braking! My opinion again is they were shooting at the wrong issue! Needed to get rid of more compression !They weren't getting the valves open enough in my opinion!
  18. fjh

    Best of Trump

    ( Personally I think Trump is unnecessarily stirring a geopolitical pot and would be wise to drop it and focus on his domestic mandate. )Yup Agree trying to do too much all at once! Got enough too deal with!
  19. 50/50 is what it is bro!
  20. Well being deleted it makes it a bit hard to tell but the fuel pressure sounds a bit low I would take it to your delete friend see if he can decipher what the issue is! I'm not a guru on these ! Is the truck on air ride? These sometimes derate for the air being dumped!
  21. have you checked the system for boost leaks cracked after cooler?????
  22. Sorry to hear your having trouble how ever If you want help please post! SOME HISTORTY / The parts you replaced and how the situation developed/ And what tools you have to trouble shoot! Throwing parts at shit is expensive you need to do some trouble shooting first wild guesses don't always work as you have found out! educated guesses sometimes work ! Facts are much better! We are here to try and help how ever we don't have a magic wand or crystal balls the snapon guys quit making them years ago But Guys here will try and help if they can !
  23. this is a copy of A Radan suspension and is more for dump and mixer application! I remember seeing that flimsy looking y suspension being offered in some write ups touted as be light more pay load blabla ! Sounds like yup you pay alright!
  24. nope its crap shoot if they work better or not! Oil pressure was an alleged problem with these ! They added an external oil line kit sort of helped! But problem being were only cracking one valve open ! Again not getting rid of all the compression needed for good braking ! Just my opinion!
  25. Look at the engine if there is a 2 inch spacer between the valve cover and the head its a jake!
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